Internet -- Sociala aspekter -- Förenta Staterna. : Networked publics / edited by Kazys Varnelis ; with contributions by researchers in the Networked Publics Research Group, the Annenberg Center for Communication at the University of Southern California : Walter Baer [and others]
Internet software industry -- Law and legislation. : Innovation and competition in the digital network economy : a legal and economic assessment on multi-tying practice and network effects / Jung Wook Cho
Internet -- Southeast Asia : Internet im Dienste der Politik : das Wechselverhältnis von Internet und Regierung am Beispiel Südostasiens / von René Jaquett
Internet -- Soziale Rolle. : The Internet as a diverse community : cultural, organizational, and political issues / Urs E. Gattiker
Internet Soziales Netzwerk : A networked self : identity, community and culture on social network sites / edited by Zizi A. Papacharissi
Internet -- Sri Lanka : Sri Lanka Media, Internet & Telecommunications Complete Profile : This All-Inclusive Profile Includes All Three of Our Communications Reports
Internet -- State supervision : The Internet and state control in authoritarian regimes : China, Cuba, and the counterrevolution / Shanthi Kalathil, Taylor C. Boas
Internet -- Statistical services. : Challenges in collecting sex data online : let's (try to) talk about sex / Jana Hackathorn, Brien K. Ashdown
Internet -- Statistics. : Academics online : a nationwide quantitative study of Australian academic use of the internet / by Andrelyn Applebee ... [and others]