International police -- Australia. : Mission accomplished, East Timor : the Australian Defence Force participation in the International Forces East Timor (INTERFET) / Bob Breen
International police -- Biography : Surviving the international war zone : security lessons learned and stories from police and military peacekeeping forces / Robert R. Rail
International police -- Congresses. : The United Nations at fifty : retrospect and prospect : papers from the Thirtieth Foreign Policy School, 1995 / edited by Ramesh Thakur
International police -- Cyprus. : Police as peace-keepers : the history of the Australian and New Zealand police serving with the United Nations Force in Cyprus, 1964-1984 / Gavin Brown, Barry Barker, Terry Burke
International police -- Netherlands : The future of police missions / Franca van der Laan, Luc van de Goor, Rob Hendriks, Jaïr van der Lijn, Minke Meijnders, Dick Zandee
International police -- Philosophy. : The new police science : the police power in domestic and international governance / Edited by Markus D. Dubber and Mariana Valverde
Here are entered works on arbitration used to settle disputes between nations involving matters of public international law. Works on arbitration used to settle commercial disputes between enterprises from different nations, or between enterprises and nations, or between nations, are entered under International commercial arbitration
International Political Science Association -- History. / : History of the International Political Science Association, 1949-1999 / John Coakley and John Trent
International Political Science Association -- Publishing. / : History of the International Political Science Association, 1949-1999 / John Coakley and John Trent
Here are entered works on general political history and historical accounts of relations among the nations of the world. Theoretical works are entered under International relations. Works on the foreign relations of an individual country are entered under the name of the country with the subdivision Foreign relations --subdivisions Foreign relations and Politics and government under names of countries
International programs. : International service learning : conceptual frameworks and research / edited by Robert G. Bringle, Julie A. Hatcher, and Steven G. Jones