International Women's Decade, 1975-1985 -- Latin America -- Congresses : Draft report / Group of Experts on Operational Strategies for the Advancement of Women up to the Year 2000 ; [meeting] organized by the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs and the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA), Santiago, Chile, 3 to 5 December 1983
International Women's Decade, 1976-1985 -- Evaluation : U.N. Conference to Review and Appraise the U.N. Decade for Women, July 15-26, 1985 : report of congressional staff advisors to the Nairobi conference to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives. / by Congressional Staff Advisors to the Nairobi Conference
International Women's Decade, 1976-1985 -- India : A review of the progress made in India towards the achievement of the objectives of the United Nations Decade for Women : a research study / prepared for the ESCAP Social Development Division by Dr. Suma Chitnis, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay, in collaboration with the Women Studies' Unit of the SNDT University, Bombay
International Women's Decade, 1976-1985 -- Latin America -- Congresses. : Draft report : Group of Experts on Operational Strategies for the Advancement of Women up to the Year 2000 / [meeting] organized by the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs and the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA), Santiago, Chile, 3 to 5 December 1983
International Women's Year : International Women's Year, including proposals and recommendations of the World Conference of International Women's Year : measures and activities undertaken in connexion with the International Women's Year : report / of the Secretary-General
International Women's Year, 1975 -- Congresses : On African women's equality, role in national liberation, development and peace : report and proceedings of the Regional Seminar for Africa held in connection with International Women's Year, in Mogadishu April 3rd to 5th 1975
International Women's Year, 1975 -- Latin America : Special Committee for Studies and Recommendations of the Inter-American Commission of Women for the World Conference of International Women's Year / [by the Inter-American Commission of Women]
International Women's Year, 1975 -- Louisiana : Issues and answers : final report / Louisiana Women's Conference, 1977 ; sponsored by National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year (IWY) ; [Ollie T. Osborne, editor]
International Women's Year, 1975 -- Mexico -- Mexico City : Women and development, the UNICEF perspective : prepared by the United Nations Children's Fund, conference background paper for the World Conference of the International Women's Year, Mexico City, 19 June to 2 July 1975 / by United Nations Children's Fund
International Workers Order. / : A road to peace and freedom : the International Workers Order and the struggle for economic justice and civil rights, 1930-1954 / Robert M. Zecker
International Working Men's Association (1922- ) / : The workers themselves : revolutionary syndicalism and international labour, 1913-1923 / by Wayne Thorpe