International law
-- See Also the narrower term Alien property
--subdivision Foreign countries under headings for national property, e.g. American property--Foreign countries; and subdivision Foreign ownership under types of industries, e.g. Construction industry--Foreign ownership
--subdivision Annexation to [country] under names of territories annexed
-- See Also the narrower term Civil war
--individual civil wars, e.g. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
-- See Also the narrower term Consular law Here are entered works on the legal aspects of consular service in general. Works on the law governing the consular service of an individual country are entered under Diplomatic and consular service qualified by nationality, e.g. Diplomatic and consular service, American
Here are entered works on the nature and handling of diplomatic correspondence in general and under the aspect of international law. Collections of diplomatic papers are entered under the subject to which they refer. Manuals on the diplomatic correspondence of a particular country are entered under the foreign office of that country with subdivision Records and correspondence, e.g. United States. Department of State--Records and correspondence
Here are entered works on assistance provided by diplomatic representatives to their nationals to secure their legal rights in the host country
--names of individual foreign offices
--subdivision Governments in exile under names of wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Governments in exile
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