Institution of Engineers Australia -- By-laws. / : Supplemental royal charter and bye-laws / Institution of Engineers, Australia
Institution of Engineers Australia -- Charters. / : Supplemental royal charter and bye-laws / Institution of Engineers, Australia
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Great Britain) -- History. / : Progress through mechanical engineering : the first 150 years of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers / John Pullin
Conformity in fulfilling or following official, recognized, or institutional requirements, guidelines, recommendations, protocols, pathways, or other standards
Institutional advertising -- Planning : Strategic communications for nonprofit organizations : seven steps to creating a successful plan / Sally J. Patterson, Janel M. Radtke
Institutional Analysis. : Politics and conflict in governance and planning : theory and practice / edited by Ayda Eraydin, Klaus Frey
Institutional committees established to protect the welfare of animals used in research and education. The 1971 NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals introduced the policy that institutions using warm-blooded animals in projects supported by NIH grants either be accredited by a recognized professional laboratory animal accrediting body or establish its own committee to evaluate animal care; the Public Health Service adopted a policy in 1979 requiring such committees; and the 1985 amendments to the Animal Welfare Act mandate review and approval of federally funded research with animals by a formally designated Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Institutional care Aboriginal Australians Australia Aged : They might have to drag me like a bullock : the Tjilpi Pampa Tjuṯaku Project : the rights, needs and care options of the senior men and women of the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara communities in the cross-border region of Central Australia : final report, March 1995 / Susan Woenne-Green for the Ngaayatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council Aboriginal Corporation
Institutional care Aboriginal Australians Biography : The Lost children : thirteen Australians taken from their Aboriginal families tell of the struggle to find their natural parents / edited by Coral Edwards & Peter Read
Institutional care Aboriginal Australians History : For the record : background information on the work of the Anglican Church with Aboriginal children and directory of Anglican agencies providing residential care to children from 1830 to 1980 / by James Boyce