Inscriptions -- India. : India's past : a survey of her literatures, religions, languages and antiquities / by A. A. Macdonell
Inscriptions -- India -- Deccan -- To 1500 : Herrschergenealogie und religiöses Patronat : die Inschriftenkultur der Rāṣṭrakūṭas, Śilāhāras und Yādavas (8. bis 13. Jahrhundert) / Annette Schmiedchen
Inscriptions, Indic -- See Also the narrower term Indus script
Inscriptions, Indic. : The Idea of Ancient India : Essays on Religion, Politics, and Archaeology
Inscriptions indo-aryennes. : Indian epigraphy : a guide to the study of inscriptions in Sanskrit, Prakrit, and the other Indo-Aryan languages / Richard Salomon
Inscriptions -- Indonesia. : Inscribing identity : the development of Indonesian writing systems / writers, Prof. Dr. Achadiati Ikram [and nineteen others] ; editors, Dr. Nine Susanti, Prof. Dr. Titik Pudjiastuti, Drs. Trigangga
Inscriptions -- Indus River Valley : The Soviet decipherment of the Indus Valley script : translation and critique / edited by Arlene R.K. Zide and Kamil V. Zvelebil
Inscriptions, Latin -- Egypt -- Philae : Die dreisprachige Stele des C. Cornelius Gallus : Übersetzung und Kommentar / von Friedhelm Hoffmann, Martina Minas-Nerpel und Stefan Pfeiffer
Inscriptions, Latin -- Europe : The allegory of the Church : romanesque portals and their verse inscriptions / Calvin B. Kendall ; with photographs by Ralph Lieberman
Inscriptions, Latin -- Middle East : "For salvation's sake" : provincial loyalty, personal religion, and epigraphic production in the Roman and late antique Near East / Jason Moralee
Inscriptions, Latin -- Spain -- Congresses : Paisajes epigráficos de la Hispania romana : monumentos, contextos, topografías / José Manuel Iglesias Gil, Alicia Ruiz Gutiérrez (eds.)