Industries -- United States -- Foreign ownership : Foreign direct investment in the United States : issues, magnitudes, and location choice of new manufacturing plants / Jan Ondrich, Michael Wasylenko
Industries -- Valuation : Equity valuation using multiples : an empirical investigation / Andreas Schreiner ; with a foreword by Klaus Spremann
Industries -- Venezuela : 5 factories : worker control in Venezuela / California Newsreel presents ; a film by Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler ; concepts, interviews, film editing, production, Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler
Here are entered works on the control by a single industry or firm of successive stages in the process of production of a particular good --subdivision Vertical integration under individual industries, e.g. Construction industry--Vertical integration
Industries Victoria : Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1885-86 : report of the Royal Commission for Victoria at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1885-86
Industries Warrnambool (Vic) : Warrnambool economic profile and prospects : a regional economic strategy report / jointly prepared by Warrnambool Development Board Incorporated and the Department of Industry, Technology and Resources
Industries Warrnambool (Vic) Location : Report on the supply of industrial land in the Warrnambool sub-region / prepared by the WIAE Business Resource Centre for the Warrnambool Development Board