Indonesia Sustainable agriculture Boven Digoel : The impacts of oil palm plantations on forests and people in Papua : a case study from Boven Digoel District / Agus Andrianto [and four others]
Indonesia Sustainable agriculture Congresses : Fire and sustainable agricultural and forestry development in Eastern Indonesia and Northern Australia : proceedings of a workshop held at Northern Territory University, Darwin, Australia, 13-15 April 1999 /ceditor, Jeremy Russell-Smith ... [and others]
Indonesia Sustainable architecture : Grüne Häuser, tropische Gärten = [Green buildings, tropical gardens] / Ken Yean, Green School, Seksan Design
Indonesia Sustainable development Maluku : Population and environment issues in Maluku : the case of western and northern Seram / Deny Hidayati ... [and others]
Indonesia Sustainable fisheries : Selling the sea, fishing for power : a study of conflict over marine tenure in Kei Islands, eastern Indonesia / Dedi Supriadi Adhuri
Indonesia Sustainable forestry Government policy : Breaking the logjam : obstacles to forest policy reform in Indonesia and the United States / Charles Victor Barber, Nels C. Johnson, Emmy Hafild
Indonesia Tales Borneo : The meeting-pool : a tale of Borneo / by Mervyn Skipper ; with illustrations by R.W. Coulter
Indonesia Tales Java : The king, the witch, and the priest : a twelfth century Javanese tale / as told by Pramoedya Ananta Toer ; translated and edited by Willem Samuels
Indonesia Tales Kalimantan : De slimme en de domme : Ngadju-Dajakse volksverhalen / A. Klokke-Coster, A.H. Klokke, M. Saha
Indonesia Tales Timor Island : Ai knananuk ho ai knanoik nousi rai Timur, rai nousi lafack dukur = Verse and legends from Timor, the land of the sleeping crocodile / Cliff Morris
Indonesia Talismans Java : Beauty is pain / filmmakers: Anton Susilo, Yuli Andari M. ; producers, Dian Herdiany, F. Satriantoro
Indonesia -- Tallo (Kingdom) : A chain of kings : the Makassarese chronicles of Gowa and Talloq / edited and translated by William Cummings