Indonesia -- Kei Islands. : Selling the sea, fishing for power : a study of conflict over marine tenure in Kei Islands, eastern Indonesia / Dedi Supriadi Adhuri
Indonesia -- Ketapang. : Decentralisation of administration, policy making and forest management in Ketapang District, West Kalimantan / Endriatmo Soetarto, MT Felix Sitorus and M Yusup Napiri
Indonesia Kidnapping Drama : Crime shock. Season 1, Episode 8, Indonesia's missing babies / producer, Adeline Lou ; director, Mark Pestana ; a Vertigo Pictures production
Indonesia Kinship : Our Asian neighbours - Indonesia. Taram : a Minangkabau village / producer, John Morris ; director and scriptwriter, Brian Hannant ; Film Australia
Indonesia Kinship Ceram Island : Kinship, population and social reproduction in the 'new Indonesia' : a study of Nuaulu cultural resilience / Roy Ellen
Indonesia Kinship Java : The Javanese family : a study of kinship and socialization / Hildred Geertz
Indonesia Kinship Jawa Tengah : Durga's mosque : cosmology, conversion and community in central Javanese Islam / Stephen C. Headley
Indonesia Kinship Papua : Society of others : kinship and mourning in a West Papuan place / Rupert Stasch
Indonesia Kinship Tapanuli Utara History : Christianity, colonization, and gender relations in North Sumatra : a patrilineal society in flux / by Sita T. van Bemmelen
Indonesia. Konstituante / : Aspirasi pemerintahan konstitusional di Indonesia : studi sosio-legal atas Konstituante 1956-1959 / Adnan Buyung Nasution ; penerjemah Sylvia Tiwon
Indonesia -- Kotagede : The crescent arises over the banyan tree : a study of the Muhammadiyah movement in a central Javanese town, c. 1910-2010 / Mitsuo Nakamura
Indonesia Labor laws and legislation : Peraturan perundang-undangan ketenagakerjaan baru di Indonesia / dihimpun oleh Iman Sjahputra Tunggal, Amin Widjaja Tunggal
Indonesia Labor movement Case studies : Pushing back against a pseudoemployer : the case of app-based motorcycle taxi drivers in Indonesia / Michele Ford