Indonesia Cities and towns Growth : Cities and towns in Indonesia : their development, current positions, and functions with regard to administration and regional economy / by Werner Rutz
Indonesia Cities and towns Growth Maps : Cities and towns in Indonesia : their development, current positions, and functions with regard to administration and regional economy / by Werner Rutz
Indonesia Citizenship Study and teaching Congresses : Empowering civil society in the industrial revolution 4.0 : proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Citizenship Education and Democratic Issues (ICCEDI 2020), Malang, Indonesia, October 14, 2020 / edited by Sukowiyono, Siti Awaliyah, Peter B.R. Carey, Max Lane, Chen Fei
Indonesia City and town life : In search of middle Indonesia : middle classes in provincial towns / edited by Gerry van Klinken, Ward Berenschot
Indonesia City planning Congresses : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning (ICIAP 2022) Beyond Sustainability Through Design, Planning and Innovation / Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto, Dwita Hadi Rahmi, Yani Rahmawati, Isti Hidayati, Jimly Al-Faraby, Alyas Widita, editors
Indonesia Civil law : Modernization tradition and identity : the Kompilasi Hukum Islam and legal practice in the Indonesian religious courts / Euis Nurlaelawati
Indonesia Civil rights History : Indonesia and the rule of law : twenty years of "new order" government : a study / prepared by the International Commission of Jurists and the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) ; edited by Hans Thoolen
Indonesia Civil rights Loro Sae : The human rights and conditions of the people of East Timor, September 1983 / Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence