Indians of South America -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Bolivia : Land and forest rights of Amazonian Indigenous peoples from a national and international perspective : a legal comparison of the national norms of Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru / by Siu Lang Carrillo Yap
Indians of South America -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Ecuador : Land and forest rights of Amazonian Indigenous peoples from a national and international perspective : a legal comparison of the national norms of Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru / by Siu Lang Carrillo Yap
Indians of South America -- Missions -- Amazon River Region -- History : Misiones, pueblos indígenas y la conformación de la Región Amazónica : Actores, tensiones y debares actuales / Jose Juncosa Blasco, Blas Garzon Very, coordinadores ; Wilson Gutierrez [and others [contributors]
Indians of South America -- Missions -- Bolivia : Expecting pears from an elm tree : Franciscan missions on the Chiriguano frontier in the heart of South America, 1830-1949 / Erick D. Langer
Indians of South America -- Missions -- Colombia : Siervos de Dios y amos de indios : el Estado y la misión capuchina en el Putumayo / Víctor Daniel Bonilla ; textos introductorios de Jesús Adalberto Carlosama, Ayda Lucía Jacanamijoy, Augusto Gómez y Robert Rover ; edición a cargo de Cristóbal Gnecco
Indians of South America -- Missions -- History -- 17th century : Demographic change and ethnic survival among the sedentary populations on the Jesuit mission frontiers of Spanish South America, 1609-1803 : the formation and persistence of mission communities in a comparative context / by Robert H. Jackson
Indians of South America -- Missions -- History -- 18th century : Demographic change and ethnic survival among the sedentary populations on the Jesuit mission frontiers of Spanish South America, 1609-1803 : the formation and persistence of mission communities in a comparative context / by Robert H. Jackson