Incunabula -- Austria -- Linz -- Catalogs : Die illuminierten Handschriften, Inkunabeln und Frühdrucke der Oberösterreichischen Landesbibliothek in Linz : Handschriften und frühe Drucke, 1440-1540. Teil 1, Österreich, Passau, Italien / bearbeitet von Katharina Hranitzky, Michaela Schuller-Juckes und Susanne Rischpler ; unter Mitarbeit von Anna Reisenbichler
Incunabula -- Collectors and collecting : The pre-modern manuscript trade and its consequences, ca. 1890-1945 / edited by Laura Cleaver, Danielle Magnusson, Hannah Morcos, and Angéline Rais
Incunabula -- England -- 16th century -- Bibliography. : English books & readers, 1475 to 1557: being a study in the history of the book trade from Caxton to the incorporation of the Stationers' Company / by H. S. Bennett
Incunabula -- England -- Bibliography. : English books & readers, 1475 to 1557: being a study in the history of the book trade from Caxton to the incorporation of the Stationers' Company / by H. S. Bennett
Incunabula -- France -- Lyon : The Lyon Terence : its tradition and legacy / by Giulia Torello-Hill and Andrew J. Turner
Incunabula -- Germany. : The Türkenkalender (1454) attributed to Gutenberg and the Strasbourg lunation tracts / Eckehard Simon
Incunabula -- Great Britain : A companion to the early printed book in Britain, 1476-1558 / edited by Vincent Gillespie and Susan Powell
Incunabula -- Great Britain -- Bibliography : Renaissance Cultural Crossroads : Translation, Print and Culture in Britain, 1473-1640 / edited by S.K. Barker and Brenda M. Hosington
Incurvinema. : Tylenchida : Parasites of Plants and Insects / Mohammad Rafiq Siddiqi
Ind, Allison, 1903- : Bataan, the judgment seat : the saga of the Philippine command of the United States Army air force, May 1941 to May 1942 / Allison Ind
Indaba Music (Electronic resource) : Evaluation and credentialing in digital music communities : benefits and challenges for learning and assessment / H. Cecilia Suhr
indagación laboral. : Human rights in practice : a guide to assist trafficked women and children / Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) ; contributors, Empower [and others]