Income tax -- Law and legislation -- Australia -- Indexes. : Index to income tax acts of Australia (Commonwealth and states) in operation on June 30th, 1932, including acts imposing taxation to provide funds for the prevention and relief of unemployment / compiled by J.B. Collier
Income tax -- Law and legislation -- Australia -- New South Wales. : The New South Wales Income Tax Acts, 1941 (annotated) : being a reprint of the Income Tax Management Act, 1941 (no. 48), the Income Tax Act, 1941 (no. 47), and Regulations, with full annotations on all new provisions introduced thereunder / by J.A.L. Gunn
Income tax -- Law and legislation -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Cases. : The Land and Income Tax Assessment Act of 1895 (59 Vict. No. 15) and the regulations and proclamation made thereunder, Land Tax Act of 1895 (59 Vict. No. 16), Income Tax Act of 1895 (59 Vict. No. 17), with notes / by F.H. Salusbury and W. Newbery
Income tax -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain -- Digests : A digest and index of tax cases : income tax, super-tax, sur-tax, corporation duty and profits tax cases and, so far as relevant to those taxes, cases on excess profits duty, excess profits tax, inhabited house duty and corporation profits tax : being a judicial dictionary of tax law / by Sir Edward R. Harrison, LL. B., of the Middle Temple, barrister-at-law, and formerly of the Inland Revenue Department, Somerset House
Income tax -- Law and legislation -- Indonesia. : Penduduk & pajak : (buku ajar hasil penelitian pemagangan di Bali) / Tim peneliti inti, Nazrina Zuryani, IGPB Suka Arjawa, Muhammad Ali Azhar ; kontributor, Tedi Erviantono, Kadek Wiwin Dwi Wismayanti, I Putu Dharmanu Yudartha