Income maintenance programs -- Law and legislation -- Italy : Redditi e occupazione nelle crisi d'impresa : tutele legali e convenzionali nell'ordinamento italiano e dell'unione europea / Giuseppe Ferraro (a cura di) ; con la partecipazione di Maurizio Cinelli [and others]
Income maintenance programs -- Mexico : Efectos económicos de políticas sociales y energéticas en México : dos estudios de caso con una matriz de contabilidad social y un modelo de equilibrio general aplicado / Gaspar Núñez Rodríguez
Income maintenance programs -- South Africa : Poverty knowledge in South Africa : a social history of human science, 1855-2005 / Grace Davie, Queens College, City University of New York
Income -- Sao Tome and Principe : Management of oil wealth under the permanent income hypothesis : the case of Sāo Tomé and Príncipe / prepared by Alonso Segura
Income sources. : Work and migration : life and livelihoods in a globalizing world / edited by Ninna Nyberg Sørensen and Karen Fog Olwig
Income -- South Africa : Inflation, money demand, and purchasing power parity in South Africa / prepared by Gunnar Jonsson
Income -- Soviet Union. : Income and wealth. Unit 18, Redistribution and the fiscal system. Unit 19, Income and wealth in the USSR / prepared for the [D210 Introduction to Economics] course team by Julian Le Grand and Alastair McAuley
Income support programs -- Australia : Shoe or stew? : balancing wants and needs in indigenous households: a study of appropriate income support payments and policies for families / J.D. Finlayson and A.J. Auld