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Incidental Discoveries -- See Incidental Findings

Unanticipated information discovered in the course of testing or medical care. Used in discussions of information that may have social or psychological consequences, such as when it is learned that a child's biological father is someone other than the putative father, or that a person tested for one disease or disorder has, or is at risk for, something else

Incidental Discovery -- See Incidental Findings

Unanticipated information discovered in the course of testing or medical care. Used in discussions of information that may have social or psychological consequences, such as when it is learned that a child's biological father is someone other than the putative father, or that a person tested for one disease or disorder has, or is at risk for, something else

Incidental Finding -- See Incidental Findings

Unanticipated information discovered in the course of testing or medical care. Used in discussions of information that may have social or psychological consequences, such as when it is learned that a child's biological father is someone other than the putative father, or that a person tested for one disease or disorder has, or is at risk for, something else
Incidental Findings.   3

Incidental music -- See Also the narrower term Greek drama Incidental music

Incidental music.   451
Incidental music, Arranged   3
Incidental music -- England : The theater of musick  2006 1
Incidental music -- England -- 18th century : Playhouse aires : 18th-century English theatre music  1996 1
Incidental music -- England -- History and criticism. : The music in English drama, from Shakespeare to Purcell / J.S> Manifold  1956 1
Incidental music -- Excerpts.   423
Incidental music -- Excerpts, Arranged.   85
Incidental music Greek drama : Musical design in Aeschylean theater / William C. Scott  1984 1
Incidental music Greek drama History and criticism : Musical design in Aeschylean theater / William C. Scott  1984 1
Incidental music -- History and criticism. : The music in English drama, from Shakespeare to Purcell / J.S> Manifold  1956 1

Incidental music Instruction and study -- See Also the narrower term Music in the theater

Here are entered works on music as an adjunct to theatrical productions
Incidental music -- Russia (Federation) -- 20th century -- Excerpts, Arranged : Suites from film scores / Dmitri Shostakovich ; arranged by Levon Avtomyan [i.e. Atovmyan]  2010 1
Incidental music -- Scandinavia -- Excerpts : Nordic classical favourites  2007 1
Incidental music -- Scores : Primero y segundo Isaac / Pedro Calderón de la Barca  2011 1

Incidental questions (Conflict of laws) -- See Preliminary questions (Conflict of laws)


Incidental take (Fisheries) -- See Bycatches (Fisheries)

Here are entered works on marine organisms caught incidentally or in addition to the capture of a species specifically being sought
Incidents. : Investigating operational incidents in a military context : law, justice, politics / edited by David W. Lovell  2015 1

Incidents, Biological -- See Biohazard Release

Uncontrolled release of biological material from its containment. This either threatens to, or does, cause exposure to a biological hazard. Such an incident may occur accidentally or deliberately

Incidents, Chemical -- See Chemical Hazard Release

Uncontrolled release of a chemical from its containment that either threatens to, or does, cause exposure to a chemical hazard. Such an incident may occur accidentally or deliberately

Incidents, Critical Medical -- See Medical Errors

Errors or mistakes committed by health professionals which result in harm to the patient. They include errors in diagnosis (DIAGNOSTIC ERRORS), errors in the administration of drugs and other medications (MEDICATION ERRORS), errors in the performance of surgical procedures, in the use of other types of therapy, in the use of equipment, and in the interpretation of laboratory findings. Medical errors are differentiated from MALPRACTICE in that the former are regarded as honest mistakes or accidents while the latter is the result of negligence, reprehensible ignorance, or criminal intent
Incidents in the life of a slave girl Jacobs, Harriet A (Harriet Ann), 1813-1897   7

Incidents, Mass Casualty -- See Mass Casualty Incidents

Events that overwhelm the resources of local HOSPITALS and health care providers. They are likely to impose a sustained demand for HEALTH SERVICES rather than the short, intense peak customary with smaller scale disasters

Incidents, Medical Critical -- See Medical Errors

Errors or mistakes committed by health professionals which result in harm to the patient. They include errors in diagnosis (DIAGNOSTIC ERRORS), errors in the administration of drugs and other medications (MEDICATION ERRORS), errors in the performance of surgical procedures, in the use of other types of therapy, in the use of equipment, and in the interpretation of laboratory findings. Medical errors are differentiated from MALPRACTICE in that the former are regarded as honest mistakes or accidents while the latter is the result of negligence, reprehensible ignorance, or criminal intent

Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petrœa, and the Holy Land, Author of, 1805-1852 -- See Stephens, John L., 1805-1852

  Incineration -- 5 Related Subjects   5
Incineration   23
Incineration -- Australia.   2
Incineration -- China   2
Incineration -- Colorado -- Pueblo   2
Incineration -- Congresses   7
Incineration -- Environmental aspects.   4
Incineration -- Environmental aspects -- Congresses.   2
Incineration -- Evaluation.   2
Incineration Hazardous wastes   8
Incineration Hazardous wastes Congresses : Incineration of hazardous waste : toxic combustion by-products : based on the proceedings of the First International Congress on Toxic Combustion By-products--Formation and Control, University of California, Los Angeles, 26-29 August 1989 / edited by Wm. Randall Seeker and Catherine P. Koshland  1992 1
Incineration Hazardous wastes Environmental aspects   3
Incineration Hazardous wastes Environmental aspects United States   2
Incineration Hazardous wastes Government policy Ohio East Liverpool   2
Incineration Hazardous wastes Great Britain : Waste not, want not : the production and dumping of toxic waste / Robert Allen  1992 1
Incineration Hazardous wastes Health aspects : Waste Incineration and Public Health  2000 1
Incineration Hazardous wastes Health aspects United States : Health effects of municipal waste incineration / editors, Holly A. Hattemer-Frey and Curtis Travis  1991 1
Incineration Hazardous wastes United States   7
Incineration -- Health aspects.   2
Incineration -- Health aspects -- Congresses. : Municipal waste incineration risk assessment : deposition, food chain impacts, uncertainty, and research needs / edited by Curtis C. Travis  1991 1
Incineration Medical wastes : Waste Incineration and Public Health  2000 1
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