Impostors and imposture -- Museums. : The museum of hoaxes : a collection of pranks, stunts, deceptions and other wonderful stories contrived for the public from the Middle Ages to the new millennium / Alex Boese
Impostors and imposture -- New York (State) : In search of history. The Cardiff giant / series producer, David M. Frank ; producer/writer, Sean P. Geary ; produced by Weller/Grossman Productions for the History Channel
Impostors and imposture -- Scotland -- Early works to 1800 : The speeches, arguments and determinations of the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland : upon that important cause, wherein His Grace the Duke of Hamilton and others were plaintiffs and Archibald Douglas of Douglas, Esq., defendant : with an introductory preface giving an impartial and distinct account of this suit / by a Barrister at law
Impostors and imposture -- Spain : Aires de grandeza : hidalgos presuntos y nobles de fantasía / Feliciano Barrios, Javier Alvarado (directores) ; XIV Seminario Anual de Nobiliaria, Heráldica y Genealogía
Impostors and imposture -- Switzerland. : The Wilkomirski affair : a study in biographical truth / Stefan Maechler ; translated from the German by John E. Woods
Impôt -- Amérique latine -- Congrès. : Improving tax administration in developing countries / edited by Richard M. Bird and Milka Casanegra de Jantscher
Impôt -- Asie orientale. : Fiscal Frameworks and Financial Systems in East Asia : How Much Do They Matter?
Impôt -- Chine. : Taxation without representation in contemporary rural China / Thomas P. Bernstein, Xiaobo Lü
Impôt -- Pays de l'Union européenne. : National tax policy in Europe : to be or not to be? / Andersson, Krister, Eberhartinger, Eva, Oxelheim, Lars (eds.)
Impotence -- Africa -- Drama. : Xala / Filmi Domireew et Société nationale cinématographique présentent ; directeur de production, Paulin Soumanou Vieyra ; écrit et réalisé par Sembene Ousmane