Here are entered works on men who impersonate women, generally for purposes of entertainment or comic effect. Works on women who impersonate men, generally for purposes of entertainment or comic effect, are entered under Male impersonators. Works on persons, especially males, who assume the dress and manner of the opposite sex for psychological gratification are entered under Cross-dressers
Here are entered works on women who impersonate men, generally for purposes of entertainment or comic effect. Works on men who impersonate women, generally for purposes of entertainment or comic effect, are entered under Female impersonators. Works on persons, especially males, who assume the dress and manner of the opposite sex for psychological gratification are entered under Cross-dressers
Here are entered works on women who impersonate men, generally for purposes of entertainment or comic effect. Works on men who impersonate women, generally for purposes of entertainment or comic effect, are entered under Female impersonators. Works on persons, especially males, who assume the dress and manner of the opposite sex for psychological gratification are entered under Cross-dressers
Here are entered works on men who impersonate women, generally for purposes of entertainment or comic effect. Works on women who impersonate men, generally for purposes of entertainment or comic effect, are entered under Male impersonators. Works on persons, especially males, who assume the dress and manner of the opposite sex for psychological gratification are entered under Cross-dressers
Impey, Rose. : Something about the author. Volume 152 : facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people / Susan Strickland, project editor
Impfpflicht : Corona - Angst Was mit unserer Psyche geschieht
Impfstoff Entwicklungsländer Malaria : The grand challenge for the future : vaccines for poverty-related diseases from bench to field / edited by S.H.E. Kaufmann and P.-H. Lambert
Impfstoff Malaria Entwicklungsländer : The grand challenge for the future : vaccines for poverty-related diseases from bench to field / edited by S.H.E. Kaufmann and P.-H. Lambert
Implants constructed of materials designed to be absorbed by the body without producing an immune response. They are usually composed of plastics and are frequently used in orthopedics and orthodontics
Artificial substitutes for body parts, and materials inserted into tissue for functional, cosmetic, or therapeutic purposes. Prostheses can be functional, as in the case of artificial arms and legs, or cosmetic, as in the case of an artificial eye. Implants, all surgically inserted or grafted into the body, tend to be used therapeutically. IMPLANTS, EXPERIMENTAL is available for those used experimentally
Multi-channel hearing devices typically used for patients who have tumors on the COCHLEAR NERVE and are unable to benefit from COCHLEAR IMPLANTS after tumor surgery that severs the cochlear nerve. The device electrically stimulates the nerves of cochlea nucleus in the BRAIN STEM rather than the inner ear as in cochlear implants
Implants constructed of materials designed to be absorbed by the body without producing an immune response. They are usually composed of plastics and are frequently used in orthopedics and orthodontics
Implants constructed of materials designed to be absorbed by the body without producing an immune response. They are usually composed of plastics and are frequently used in orthopedics and orthodontics
Implants used to reconstruct and/or cosmetically enhance the female breast. They have an outer shell or envelope of silicone elastomer and are filled with either saline or silicone gel. The outer shell may be either smooth or textured
Electronic hearing devices typically used for patients with normal outer and middle ear function, but defective inner ear function. In the COCHLEA, the hair cells (HAIR CELLS, VESTIBULAR) may be absent or damaged but there are residual nerve fibers. The device electrically stimulates the COCHLEAR NERVE to create sound sensation
Biocompatible materials placed into (endosseous) or onto (subperiosteal) the jawbone to support a crown, bridge, or artificial tooth, or to stabilize a diseased tooth