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Title Inflammation : methods and protocols / edited by Björn E. Clausen, Jon D. Laman
Published New York : Humana Press : Springer, ©2017


Description 1 online resource (xvi, 464 pages) : illustrations (some color)
Series Methods in molecular biology, 1064-3745 ; 1559
Springer protocols
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) ; v. 1559
Springer protocols (Series)
Contents Reproducibility issues : avoiding pitfalls in animal inflammation models / Jon D. Laman, Susanne M. Kooistra, and Björn E. Clausen -- Hapten-specific T cell-mediated skin inflammation : flow cytometry analysis of mouse skin inflammatory infiltrate / Nicolas Bouladoux, Clotilde Hennequin, Camille Malosse, Bernard Malissen, Yasmine Belkaid, and Sandrine Henri -- Monitoring skin dendritic cells in steady state and inflammation by immunofluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry / Julia L. Ober-Blöbaum, Daniela Ortner, Bernhard Haid, Anna Brand, Christoph Tripp, Björn E. Clausen, and Patrizia Stoitzner -- Visualization of the T cell response in contact hypersensitivity / Gyohei Egawa and Kenji Kabashima -- Ultraviolet radiation-induced immunosuppression : induction of regulatory T cells / A. Bruhs and T. Schwarz -- Surgical denervation in the imiquimod-induced psoriasiform mouse model / Armanda J. Onderdijk, Ineke M. Hekking-Weijma, Edwin F. Florencia, and Errol P. Prens -- Xenotransplantation model of psoriasis / Jeremy Di Domizio, Curdin Conrad, and Michel Gilliet -- Mouse model for atopic dermatitis using topical application of vitamin D3 or of its analog MC903 / Verena Moosbrugger-Martinz, Matthias Schmuth, and Sandrine Dubrac -- Particle bombardment of ex vivo skin to deliver DNA and express proteins / Ena Sokol, Miranda Nijenhuis, Klaas A. Sjollema, Marcel F. Jonkman, Hendri H. Pas, and Ben N.G. Giepmans -- Murine models of allergic asthma / Eline Haspeslagh, Nincy Debeuf, Hamida Hammad, and Bart N. Lambrecht -- Subcutaneous and sublingual immunotherapy in a mouse model of allergic asthma / Laura Hesse and Martijn C. Nawijn -- Characterization of group 2 innate lymphoid cells in allergic airway inflammation models in the mouse / Bobby W.S. Li, Dior M.J.M. Beerens, Maarten D. Brem, and Rudi W. Hendriks -- Induction and analysis of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue / Henrike Fleige and Reinhold Förster -- Messenger RNA sequencing of rare cell populations in the lung and lung-draining lymph nodes / Alexander Ulges, Edgar Schmitt, Tobias Bopp, and Matthias Klein -- Isolation and identification of intestinal myeloid cells / Charlotte L. Scott, Calum C. Bain, and Allan McI Mowat -- Monitoring and modulation of inducible Foxp3+ regulatory T-cell differentiation in the lymph nodes draining the small intestine and colon / S. Veenbergen, L.A. van Berkel, M.F. du Pré, A.E. Kozijn, and Janneke N. Samsom -- Isolation and flow cytometry analysis of innate lymphoid cells from the intestinal lamina propria / Konrad Gronke, Michael Kofoed-Nielsen, and Andreas Diefenbach -- Analysis of leukocytes in oral mucosal tissues / Asaf Wilensky, Gabriel Mizraji, Yaara Tabib, Hafez Sharawi, and Avi-Hai Hovav -- Optimized mouse models for liver fibrosis / Yong Ook Kim, Yury Popov, and Detlef Schuppan -- Monitoring of chemically induced colitis / Sonja Reissig and Benno Weigmann -- Oxazolone-induced intestinal inflammation in adult zebrafish / Sylvia Brugman and Edward E.S. Nieuwenhuis -- High dimensional cytometry of central nervous system leukocytes during neuroinflammation / Dunja Mrdjen, Felix J. Hartmann, and Burkhard Becher -- Isolation of microglia and immune infiltrates from mouse and primate central nervous system / Thais F. Galatro, Ilia D. Vainchtein, Nieske Brouwer, Erik W.G.M. Boddeke, and Bart J.L. Eggen -- Investigating the lymphatic drainage of the brain : essential skills and tools / Nazira J. Albargothy, Matthew MacGregor Sharp, Maureen Gatherer, Alan Morris, Roy O. Weller, Cheryl Hawkes, and Roxana O. Carare -- Quantitative assessment of cerebral basement membranes using electron microscopy / Matthew MacGregor Sharp, Anton Page, Alan Morris, Roy O. Weller, and Roxana O. Carare -- Microglial Activation by Genetically Targeted Conditional Neuronal Ablation in the Zebrafish / Nynke Oosterhof, Laura E. Kuil, and Tjakko J. van Ham -- Experimental arthritis mouse models driven by adaptive and/or innate inflammation / W. Razawy, C.H. Alves, M. Molendijk, P.S. Asmawidjaja, A.M.C. Mus, and E. Lubberts -- Pain relief in nonhuman primate models of arthritis / Michel P.M. Vierboom, Elia Breedveld, Merei Keehnen, Rianne Klomp, and Jaco Bakker -- Isolation and characterization of aortic dendritic cells and lymphocytes in atherosclerosis / Tae Jin Yun, Jun Seong Lee, Dahee Shim, Jae-Hoon Choi, and Cheolho Cheong -- Assessment of vascular dysfunction and inflammation induced by angiotensin II in mice / Jeremy Lagrange, Sabine Kossmann, and Philip Wenzel
Summary This volume presents a broad selection of cutting-edge methods and tools that will enable the reader to investigate the multi-faceted manifestations of inflammation. Inflammation: Methods and Protocols is divided into four sections: the first three sections describe protocols investigating immune-mediated inflammatory disease models affecting barrier organs to the environment; the skin, the lung, and the intestinal and oral mucosa. The fourth section illustrates inflammatory disease models of the brain, joints, and vasculature. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Inflammation: Methods and Protocols aims to inspire the experienced investigator and the young experimenter alike to disentangle the fascinating process of inflammation
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Online resource; title form PDF title page (SpringerProtocols, viewed January 9, 2017)
Subject Inflammation -- Laboratory manuals
Diseases -- Animal models.
Inflammation -- immunology
Inflammation -- therapy
Immune System Diseases -- immunology
Immune System Diseases -- therapy
Immunotherapy -- methods
Disease Models, Animal
Medical -- Immunology.
Diseases -- Animal models
Genre/Form Laboratory manuals
Laboratory manuals.
Manuels de laboratoire.
Form Electronic book
Author Clausen, Björn E., editor
Laman, Jon D., editor
ISBN 9781493967865