Idea of ancestry Knight, Etheridge, 1931-1991 : Poetry for students. Volume 36 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Sara Constantakis, project editor
Idea (Philosophy) -- Economic aspects : Culture, innovation, and growth dynamics : a new theory for the applicability of ideas / Elias G. Carayannis, Ali Pirzadeh
Here are entered works on the attractiveness of men as a philosophic or artistic concept. Practical works on personal grooming and appearance are entered under Grooming for men
Here are entered works on the attractiveness of women as a philosophic or artistic concept. Practical works on personal grooming and appearance are entered under Beauty, Personal
Ideal Chain Speed : Chain Drive Video 1: Roller Chain and Sprocket Selection Parameters / Christopher Tomasi
Ideal differentiator : Analog Filter and Circuit Design Handbook: Chapter 16 - The Differentiator / Carlotta A. Berry
Idealen (wiskunde) : Ideals, varieties, and algorithms : an introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra / David A. Cox, John Little, Donal O'Shea