IRRI. : Saving seeds : the economics of conserving crop genetic resources ex situ in the future harvest centres of the CGIAR / Bonwoo Koo, Philip G. Pardey, and Brian D. Wright ; with Paula Bramel [and others]
Irrigacao (Engenharia Hidraulica) : Irrigation-induced water quality problems : what can be learned from the San Joaquin Valley experience / Committee on Irrigation-Induced Water Quality Problems, Water Science and Technology Board, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research Council
Chemicals used mainly to disinfect root canals after pulpectomy and before obturation. The major ones are camphorated monochlorophenol, EDTA, formocresol, hydrogen peroxide, metacresylacetate, and sodium hypochlorite. Root canal irrigants include also rinsing solutions of distilled water, sodium chloride, etc
--subdivision Irrigation under individual crops, e.g. Corn--Irrigation
Irrigation Alfalfa Australia : An alternative to border check irrigation : comparison of border check to drop tube centre pivot irrigation for lucerne irrigated with saline water / by James De Barro
Irrigation Alfalfa Australia Keith (SA) : An alternative to border check irrigation : comparison of border check to drop tube centre pivot irrigation for lucerne irrigated with saline water / by James De Barro
Irrigation -- Algeria : Connecting traditions. The veins of desert (Algeria) / by Alexandre Mostras
Irrigation -- Asia -- Management. : Optimal extraction of small-scale surface water storage for irrigation and other uses in Asia / S. Mahendrarajah, A.J.Jakeman and P.G. Warr
Irrigation Association of Australia -- Periodicals. / : Irrigation Australia : the official journal of the Irrigation Association of Australia
Irrigation -- Australia -- Keith (S.A.) : An alternative to border check irrigation : comparison of border check to drop tube centre pivot irrigation for lucerne irrigated with saline water / by James De Barro
Irrigation -- Australia -- Management -- Congresses. : Proceedings of the joint AWRC-AAES Seminar on Transferable Water Rights, Rural Water Commission of Victoria Auditorium, Melbourne, 11 December 1984 / Department of Resources and Energy, Australian Water Resources Council