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Title Hypervelocity launchers / Friedrich Seiler, Ozer Igra, editor
Published Cham : Springer, 2016


Description 1 online resource (x, 300 pages) : illustrations (some color)
Series Shock wave science and technology reference library ; 10
Shock wave science and technology reference library ; 10.
Contents Preface; Contents; About the Editors; Part I Gas Gun; 1 Light Gas Gun; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Requirements No. 1 and No. 2; 3 Requirement No. 3; 4 Requirement No. 4; 5 Requirement No. 5; 6 Requirement No. 6; 7 Requirement No. 7; 8 Use of the Light Gas Gun at the Ben-Gurion University; References; Part II Hypervelocity Test Facility; 2 Ballistic Range; 1 Introduction; 2 Working Principle of Hypervelocity Ballistic Range; 2.1 Two-Stage Light Gas Gun; 2.2 Test Chamber; 2.3 Measurement and Control System; 3 Representative Hypervelocity Ranges in the World; 3.1 AEDC Range G
3.2 HFFAF at NASA Ames Center; 3.3 Hypervelocity Ballistic Ranges at ARC-UAH [21 -- 23]; 3.4 Hypervelocity Impact Ranges at NASA JSC [24]; 3.5 Hypervelocity Impact Ranges at EMI, Germany; 3.6 Hypervelocity Ballistic Range Complex of CARDC, China; 4 Application of a Hypervelocity Ballistic Range; 4.1 Hypervelocity Aerodynamics; 4.2 Hypervelocity Aerophysics; 4.3 Hypervelocity Impact; 5 Concluding Remarks; Acknowledgments; References; Part III Shock Waves in Solids; 3 Experimental Methods of Shock Wave Research for Solids; 1 Introduction; 2 Hypervelocity Accelerators and High-Pressure Generation
3 Stress Wave in Solid; 4 Shock Equation of State; 5 Stability of Shock Wave; 6 Thermodynamics of Shock-Induced Phase Transition; 7 Shock Syntheses; 8 Laser Shock Experiments; 9 Concluding Remarks; References; Part IV Ram Accelerator; 4 The Ram Accelerator: Review of Experimental Research Activities in the U.S.; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Experimental Facilities and Results; 2.1 University of Washington (UW); 2.1.1 Operation at High Fill Pressures; 2.1.2 Baffled-Tube Ram Accelerator; 2.2 U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL); 2.3 UTRON, Inc; 3 Computational Modeling; 4 Future Work; 5 Conclusions
References; 5 Experiments on Supersonic and Superdetonative Combustion at ISL's Ram Accelerator RAMAC 30; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Rail-Guided Ram-Projectiles; 2.1 Principle of Scram Acceleration; 2.2 Rail Tube Version I of RAMAC 30; 2.2.1 Description of the Facility; 2.2.2 Experimental Results; 2.2.3 Limits of Ignition and Combustion; 2.3 Rail Tube Version II of RAMAC 30; 2.3.1 RAMAC 30 Facility; 2.3.2 Experimental Results; Projectile with Aluminum; Projectile with Steel Midbody Cowling; Projectile with Titanium Midbody Cowling; 2.4 Summary of the Behavior of Rail Tube I and II
3 Smooth Bore Version; 3.1 RAMAC 30 Facility Set-Up; 3.2 Experimental Results; 3.3 Summary of the Smooth Bore Research; 4 Heating and Erosion of Ram-Projectiles; 4.1 Modeling of Surface Heating; 4.1.1 Computational Requirements; 4.1.2 Boundary Layer Solution; 4.1.3 Heat Conduction Solution; 4.2 Modeling of Melting Ablation; 4.2.1 Model Bases; 4.2.2 Ablation Model; 4.3 Model Applied to Smooth Bore Firings; 4.3.1 Surface Heating; 4.3.2 Surface Ablation; 4.4 Summary of Heat Considerations; 5 Conclusions; References
Summary In the present volume numerous descriptions of Ram accelerators are presented. These descriptions provide good overview on the progress made and the present state of the Ram accelerator technology worldwide. In addition, articles describing light gas gun, ballistic range including a chapter dealing with shock waves in solids are given. Along with the technical description of considered facilities, samples of obtained results are also included. Each chapter is written by an expert in the described topic providing a comprehensive description of the discussed phenomena
Bibliography References5 Experiments on Supersonic and Superdetonative Combustion at ISL's Ram Accelerator RAMAC 30; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Rail-Guided Ram-Projectiles; 2.1 Principle of Scram Acceleration; 2.2 Rail Tube Version I of RAMAC 30; 2.2.1 Description of the Facility; 2.2.2 Experimental Results; 2.2.3 Limits of Ignition and Combustion; 2.3 Rail Tube Version II of RAMAC 30; 2.3.1 RAMAC 30 Facility; 2.3.2 Experimental Results; Projectile with Aluminum; Projectile with Steel Midbody Cowling; Projectile with Titanium Midbody Cowling; 2.4 Summary of the Behavior of Rail Tube I and II
Notes English
Online resource; title from PDF title page (SpringerLink, viewed February 15, 2016)
Subject Hypervelocity guns.
Fluid mechanics.
Dynamics & vibration.
Thermodynamics & heat.
Aerospace & aviation technology.
Mechanics of fluids.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING -- Engineering (General)
Hypervelocity guns
Form Electronic book
Author Seiler, Friedrich, Prof. Dr., editor.
Igra, Ozer, editor.
ISBN 9783319260181