Hydraulic machinery -- Design : Cavitation instabilities and rotordynamic effects in turbopumps and hydroturbines : turbopump and inducer cavitation, experiments and design / Luca d'Agostino, Maria Vittoria Salvetti, editors
Hydraulic models -- Case studies : Hydraulic modeling : concepts and practice / Task Committee, R. Ettema, chair and editor [and others] ; sponsored by the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers
Hydraulic models -- Congresses : Hydraulic modelling in maritime engineering : proceedings of the conference organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers, held in London on 13-14 October 1981
Hydraulic structures -- Foundations -- Congresses : Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference in Ocean Engineering (ICOE2018). Volume 1 / K. Murali, V. Sriram, Abdus Samad, Nilanjan Saha, editors
Hydraulic structures -- Inspection : Inspection, maintenance and repair of maritime structures exposed to damage and material degradation caused by a salt water environment : revision of PIANC report by PTC II (MARCOM) WG 17, 1990 / report of Working Group 17-2004 of the Maritime Navigation Commission