Hunt, Samuel -- Trials, litigation, etc : George Corson, plaintiff in error, (who was defendant below) vs. Samuel Hunt and Isaac Abrahams, defendants in error, (who were plaintiffs below) : S.C., M. 48, 82 (Com. Pleas, J. 47, 360) : counter statement of defendants in error
Hunt, Thomas, 1627?-1688. Argument for the bishops right in judging in capital causes in Parliament : Lord Hollis, his remains : being a second letter to a friend, concerning the judicature of the bishops in Parliament, in the vindication of what he wrote in his first, and in answer to a book since published against it entituled The rights of the bishop to judge in capital cases in Parliament cleared, &c. : it contains likewise part of his intended answer to a second tractate entituled The grand question touching the bishops right to vote in Parliament, stated and argued : to which are added considerations, in answer to the learned author of the Grand question, &c., by another hand : and reflections upon some passages in Mr. Hunt's argument upon that subject, &c., by a third
Hunt, William Holman, 1827-1910. Lady of Shalott -- Exhibitions. : Ladies of Shalott : a Victorian masterpiece and its contexts : an exhibition / by the Department of Art, Brown University, [at] Bell Gallery, List Art Center, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 23 February through 23 March, 1985
Hunter, Alexander. : Report from the Select Committee on Privilege (Dr. Hunter's case) : together with proceedings of the Committee and minutes of evidence
Hunter, Alvah Folsom : A year on a monitor and the destruction of Fort Sumter / by Alvah Folsom Hunter ; edited and with an introduction by Craig L. Symonds
Hunter, Anne Home, 1742-1821 : The life and poems of Anne Hunter : Haydn's tuneful voice / edited by Caroline Grigons ; with an introduction by Isobel Armstrong
Hunter District (NSW) Water-supply Australia Costs : The User-pays proposal : its development and changes at the Hunter District Water Board, NSW, from 1982 to 1986. Project paper 3, Introduction of user-pays domestic water pricing in Newcastle : public reaction and government response / by R. Read, J. Formby and D. Day
Hunter, James : The last days of the Big Grassy Fork / Hunter James
Hunter, Jane Edna, 1882-1971. : A nickel and a prayer : the autobiography of Jane Edna Hunter / Jane Edna Hunter ; edited by Rhondda Robinson Thomas, with a foreword by Joycelyn Moody