Humanistes -- Italie -- Correspondance. : Complete writings : letterbook, dialogue on Adam and Eve, orations / Isotta Nogarola ; edited and translated by Margaret L. King and Diana Robin
Humanistes -- Pays-Bas. : Erasmus, man of letters : the construction of charisma in print / Lisa Jardine
Humanistic. : Making room for the disavowed : reclaiming the self in psychotherapy / Paul L. Wachtel
Here are entered works on programs of education in various subjects aiming towards a greater individual self-awareness or psychological growth as well as a mutual understanding among people and cultures. Works on programs of secondary or higher education that include coursework covering areas of knowledge and experience that should be common to all educated people, irrespective of specialization in a subject discipline, to provide the set of skills and knowlege needed to function in society, are entered under General education. Works on programs of education that seek to interrelate separate parts of the learning experience are entered under Holistic education
Humanistic psychotherapy -- Philosophy : Thinking for clinicians : philosophical resources for contemporary psychoanalysis and the humanistic psychotherapies / Donna M. Orange
Humanistische Bildung -- Deutschland -- Geschichte 15. Jh. : Humanismus und Universitätsbesuch : die Wirkung italienischer Universitäten auf die studia humanitatis nördlich der Alpen = Renaissance humanism and university studies : Italian universities and their influence on the studia humanitatis in Northern Europe / by Agostino Sottili
Humanists -- Biography -- Dictionaries : Contemporaries of Erasmus : a biographical register of the Renaissance and Reformation / Peter G. Bietenholz, editor ; Thomas B. Deutscher, associate editor