Human rights in mass media -- Congresses. : Towards a transcultural future : literature and human rights in a 'post'-colonial world / edited by Peter H. Marsden & Geoffrey V. Davis
Human rights -- India -- Tamil Nadu : Invoking Justice / Sama presents ; a film by Deepa Dhanraj ; directed and produced by Deepa Dhanraj ; a co-production of Sama, NHK, ITVS International and the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE
Human rights -- Indo-Pacific Region : ARIA (Asia Reassurance Initiative Act) in action : part 1: human rights, democracy, and the rule of law; part 2: the benefits of economic diplomacy; part 3: implementation and the Indo-Pacific strategy : hearings before the Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cyber Security Policy of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, first session, April 9, May 23, and October 16, 2019
Human rights -- Indonesia -- Timor Island. : From the place of the dead : Bishop Belo and the struggle for East Timor / Arnold S. Kohen ; introduction by the Dalai Lama
Human rights -- International unification : Contemporary human rights challenges : the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its continuing relevance / edited by Carla Ferstman, Alexander Goldberg, Tony Gray, Liz Ison, Richard Nathan and Michael Newman