Holography -- Equipment and supplies. : Holographic recording materials / edited by H. M. Smith ; with contributions by R. A. Bartolini ... [and others]
Holohan, Ellin. : Silent on the sidelines : why we ignore bullying / producers, Ellin Holohan, Susan Simmons ; director, Dutch Doscher ; produced by Deerfield Productions
Hololepts : ... The darters of the genera Hololepis and Villora / by Carl L. Hubbs and Mott Dwight Cannon
Holomorphic fiber spaces Several complex variables and analytic spaces Twistor theory, double fibrations : Geometric analysis and integral geometry : AMS special session in honor of Sigurdur Helgason's 85th birthday, radon transforms and geometric analysis, January 4-7, 2012, Boston, MA ; Tufts University Workshop Geometric Analysis on Euclidean and Homogeneous Spaces, January 8-9, 2012, Medford, MA / Eric Todd Quinto, Fulton Gonzalez, Jens Gerlach Christensen, editors
Holomorphic functions -- Congresses : Holomorphic dynamical systems : lectures given at C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, July 7-12, 2008 / Marco Abate [and others] ; editors, Graziano Gentili, Jacques Guenot, Giorgio Patrizio