Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 Australia : Australia's maritime heritage : review of the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 and consideration of the requirements arising from the Unesco 2001 Convention for the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage : discussion paper, June 2009 / Department of the Environment, Water Heritage and the Arts
Historic sites -- Africa : Greco-Roman cities at the crossroads of cultures : the 20th anniversary of Polish-Egyptian conservation mission Marina el-Alamein / edited by Grazyna Bakowska-Czerner and Rafal Czerner
Historic sites -- Alberta. : Voluntary detours : small-town and rural museums in Alberta / Lianne McTavish
Historic sites -- America -- Management -- Case studies : Legacies of space and intangible heritage : archaeology, ethnohistory, and the politics of cultural continuity in the Americas / edited by Fernando Armstrong-Fumero and Julio Hoil Gutierrez
Historic sites -- Asia -- Management : The future of Asia's past : preservation of the architectural heritage of Asia : summary of an international conference held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 11-14, 1995 / organized by the Asia Society, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Siam Society ; Miguel Angel Corzo, editor
Historic sites -- Australia -- Anecdotes. : A glimpse of ghosts : mysterious places and haunted houses of early Australia / Valerie and Timothy McKenzie ; illustrated by Robyn and Martin Simpson
Historic sites -- Australia -- Ash Range (Vic.) : Secrets of the forest : discovering history in Melbourne's Ash Range / Tom Griffiths ; with assistance from the Historic Palaces Branch, Department of Conservation and Environment, Victoria and the Monash Public History Group
Historic sites -- Australia -- Ash Rnage (Vic.) : Secrets of the forest : discovering history in Melbourne's Ash Range / Tom Griffiths ; with assistance from the Historic Palaces Branch, Department of Conservation and Environment, Victoria and the Monash Public History Group