Historic sites -- East Asia : Heritage, memory, and punishment : remembering colonial prisons in East Asia / Shu-Mei Huang and Hyun Kyung Lee
Historic sites -- Economic aspects : The economics of uniqueness : investing in historic city cores and cultural heritage assets for sustainable development / Guido Licciardi, Rana Amirtahmasebi, editors
Historic sites -- Egypt -- Management : The valley of the Kings : a site management handbook / Kent Weeks ; Nigel Hetherigton ; with A kings valley condition survey by Dina Bakhoum
Historic sites -- England -- Exeter : Bowhill : the archaeological study of a building under repair in Exeter, Devon, 1977-95 / Stuart R. Blaylock with major contributions from N.W. Alcock [and eleven others] ; and illustrations by P.J.F. Bishop ; edited by Mike Ponsford ; indexed by Susan Vaughan ; designed by Val Kinsler
Historic sites -- England -- Management. : Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal : World Heritage Site management plan : December 2011 / The National Trust and English Heritage
Historic sites -- European Union countries -- Management : Creating and governing cultural heritage in the European Union : the European heritage label / Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Viktorija L.A. Čeginskas, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, Katja Mäkinen and Johanna Turunen
Historic sites -- Government policy -- Europe. : Guidance on inventory and documentation of the cultural heritage / document prepared by the Ad hoc Group for Inventory and Documentation Within the Technical Co-operation and Consultancy Programme related to the integrated conservation of the cultural heritage ; [editing John Bold]