Historic preservation -- Africa : The management of cultural world heritage sites and development in Africa : history, nomination processes and representation on the World Heritage list / Simon Makuvaza, editor
Historic preservation -- Arab countries : Community heritage in the Arab region : values and practices / Arwa Badran, Shatha Abu-Khafajah, Sarah Elliott, editors
Historic preservation -- Australia -- Congresses. : Past matters : heritage, history and the built environment : proceedings from the 8th Australasian Urban History/Planning History Conference, 9-11 February 2006, Block 7, Massey University, Wellington Campus, New Zealand / C.L. Miller and M.M. Roche (eds)
Historic preservation -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Sydney : Sydney Opera House : nomination by the Government of Australia of the Sydney Opera House for inscription on the World Heritage List 2006 / prepared by the Australian Government and the New South Wales Government
Historic preservation -- Balkan Peninsula : Balkan heritages : negotiating history and culture / edited by Maria Couroucli and Tchavdar Marinov, French School at Athens, Greece
Historic preservation -- Brazil : World heritage patinas : actions, alerts and risks / Rodrigo Christofoletti, Marcos Olender, editors
Historic preservation -- Brazil -- Olinda -- Congresses : Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Restoration, World heritage site Olinda in Brazil : proposals for intervention : Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands 26 & 27 October 2006 / editors, Paul Meurs, Leo G.W. Verhoef
Historic preservation -- Colorado -- Georgetown : The once and future Silver Queen of the Rockies : Georgetown, Colorado and the fight for survival into the 20th century / Christine A. Bradley and Duane A. Smith