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Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Case studies.   3
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- China -- Beijing : The Emperor's Secret Garden / by DCD Media  2010 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- China -- Shanghai   2
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- China -- Tianjin. : Tianjin urban heritage conservation strategy / Nathan Alexander ... [and others]  1994 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Congresses.   24
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Cuba -- Havana -- Congresses. : The Havana project : Architecture Again : international conference on architecture, Havana, Cuba / edited by Peter Noever with Coop Himmelb(l)au ... [and others]  1995 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Data processing -- Technological innovations : Digital Innovations in Architectural Heritage Conservation : Emerging Research and Opportunities  2017 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Economic aspects -- Australia.   7
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Economic aspects -- Great Britain. : The economics of historic country houses / John Butler  1981 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- England.   6
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- England -- History.   2
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Environmental aspects : Sustainable building conservation : theory and practice of responsive design in the heritage environment / [edited by] Oriel Prizeman  2015 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Environmental aspects -- Case studies : Sustainable building conservation : theory and practice of responsive design in the heritage environment / [edited by] Oriel Prizeman  2015 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Europe   3
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Europe -- Congresses. : Science, technology, and European cultural heritage : proceedings of the European symposium, Bologna, Italy, 13-16 June 1989 / edited by N.S. Baer, C. Sabbioni, A.I. Sors  1991 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Europe, Northern : The Construction of Built Heritage : a North European Perspective on Policies, Practices and Outcomes / editors, Phelps, Angela  2017 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- France : Restaurer au XIXe siècle / sous la direction de Bruno Phalip et Jean-François Luneau  2012 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- France -- History -- 19th century : Destruction of cultural heritage in 19th-century France : old stones versus modern identities / by Michael Greenhalgh  2015 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Germany (West) : The conservation of historical monuments in the Federal Republic of Germany : history, organisation, tasks, case-histories : a contribution to European Architectural Heritage Year 1975 / [ed. by Regine Dolling ; translation, Timothy Nevill]  1974 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Government policy : Heritage under pressure - threats and solutions : studies of agency and soft power in the historic environment / edited by Michael Dawson, Edward James, and Michael Nevell  2019 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Government policy -- Australia.   4
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Government policy -- Great Britain : Heritage under pressure - threats and solutions : studies of agency and soft power in the historic environment / edited by Michael Dawson, Edward James, and Michael Nevell  2019 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Great Britain   30
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Great Britain -- Finance. : Financing the preservation of old buildings : a Civic Trust report to the Department of the Environment  1971 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Great Britain -- History. : The continuing purpose : a history of the National Trust, its aims and work / Robin Fedden  1968 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Great Britain -- Periodicals. : Journal of architectural conservation  c1995- 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Greece -- Congresses : Structural monitoring of ARTistic and historical BUILding testimonies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Final International Conference SMART BUILT 2014, March 27-29, 2014, Bari, Italy / edited by Dora Foti  2014 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Greece -- Crete. : A place in history : social and monumental time in a Cretan town / Michael Herzfeld  1991 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Handbooks, manuals, etc   3
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- History   2
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- India : Re-use : the art and politics of integration and anxiety / edited by Julia A.B. Hegewald, Subrata K. Mitra  2012 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- India -- Lucknow -- Congresses. : Conservation of Lucknow heritage : preservation methodology and international dimensions / [edited] by Satish Chandra, Roshan Taqui  2006 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Indiana : Historic preservation in Indiana : essays from the field / edited by Nancy R. Hiller ; photographs by Kristen Clement  2013 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Iowa -- Iowa City : Old Capitol : portrait of an Iowa landmark / by Margaret N. Keyes  1988 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Italy : Restauro archeologico (1991)  1991- 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Italy -- Congresses : Structural monitoring of ARTistic and historical BUILding testimonies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Final International Conference SMART BUILT 2014, March 27-29, 2014, Bari, Italy / edited by Dora Foti  2014 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Italy -- Periodicals. : Archeologia dell'architettura  1996- 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Italy -- Rome   3
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Italy -- Rome -- History -- 19th century : Rebuilding St. Paul's Outside the Walls : architecture and the Catholic revival in the nineteenth century / Richard Wittman, University of California, Santa Barbara  2024 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Italy -- Venice. : Querini Stampalia Foundation : Carlo Scarpa / Richard Murphy  1993 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Japan. : Hozon : architectural and urban conservation in Japan / edited by Siegfried RCT Enders, Niels Gutschow  1998 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Japan -- Tokyo -- History -- 20th century : Tokyo Vernacular : Common Spaces, Local Histories, Found Objects / Jordan Sand  2013 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Kirribilli, New South Wales : Admiralty House : a conservation plan prepared for the Department of Housing and Construction / James Semple Kerr  1987 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Massachusetts -- Boston : Boston's "changeful times" : origins of preservation & planning in America / Michael Holleran  1998 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Materials.   2
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Mediterranean Region -- Congresses.   2
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- New South Wales -- Sydney : The Triguboff legacy : taking history into the future / Meriton  2021 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- New York (State) -- Rome : Fort Stanwix National Monument : reconstructing the past and partnering for the future / Joan M. Zenzen  2008 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- New Zealand -- Periodicals. : Heritage matters (Rangiora, N.Z.)  2012 1
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Norfolk Island -- Bibliography. : The historic coast : a bibliography about historic places on the Australian Coast  1993 1
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