His bundle. : The conduction system of the mammalian heart : an anatomico-histological study of the atrioventricular bundle and the Purkinje fibers / S. Tawara ; foreword by L. Aschoff ; translated by Kozo Suma, Munehiro Shimada ; preface by R.H. Anderson
Methods to induce and measure electrical activities at specific sites in the heart to diagnose and treat problems with the heart's electrical system
His bundle -- Histology : The conduction system of the mammalian heart : an anatomico-histological study of the atrioventricular bundle and the Purkinje fibers / S. Tawara ; foreword by L. Aschoff ; translated by Kozo Suma, Munehiro Shimada ; preface by R.H. Anderson
His Majesty's Theatre (Melbourne, Vic.) : His Majesty's theatre, Melbourne : J. C. Williamson Limited : opening souvenir, Saturday July 28th, 1934 / comp. by Phil Finkelstein
His speed and strength Ostriker, Alicia : Poetry for students. Volume 19 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / David Galens project editor ; foreword by David Kelly
Hiscock, L. Harris : The people vs. Geo. W. Cole : indictment murder : opening argument of Wm. J. Hadley on the second trial of Maj. Gen. George W. Cole for the murder of L. Harris Hiscock / counsel for prosecution: Henry Smith, L. Tremain, C.B. Sedgwick ; counsel for defence: Wm. J. Hadley [and others]
Hisitory Atheism Europe, Central 21st century : Freethought and atheism in Central and Eastern Europe : the development of secularity and nonreligion / edited by Tomáš Bubík, Atko Remmel, David Václavík
Hiskey, Garry : Maralinga : the struggle for return of the lands / Garry Hiskey