Heritage tourism -- Italy -- Campania : Integrated management and cultural districts : the French experience for the Campania region / Alessandro Ciambrone ; prefaces by Carmine Gambardella and Bernard Haumont ; postface by Jolanda Capriglione
Heritage tourism -- Italy -- Management : Cultural tourism and sustainable development : a management network for the Campania world heritage properties / Alessandro Ciambrone ; preface by Carmine Gambardella
Heritage tourism -- Japan : Contents tourism and pop culture fandom : transnational tourist experiences / edited by Takayoshi Yamamura and Philip Seaton
Heritage tourism -- New Zealand. : Heritage management in New Zealand and Australia : visitor management, interpretation and marketing / edited by C. Michael Hall and Simon McArthur
Heritage tourism -- Pacific Area : Cultural tourism in the Asia Pacific : heritage, city and rural hospitality / Tai-Chee Wong, Hoon-Peow See, Meg Milligan, editors
Heritage tourism -- Philippines -- Ifugao. : Sustainable tourism and preservation of the World Heritage Site of the Ifugao rice terraces / Save the Ifugao Rice Terraces (SITMo)
Heritage tourism -- Political aspects -- Ghana -- Congresses : The politics of heritage in Africa : economies, histories, and infrastructures / edited by Derek Peterson (University of Michigan), Kodzo Gavua (University of Ghana), Ciraj Rassool (University of the Western Cape (South Africa))
Heritage tourism -- Political aspects -- South Africa -- Congresses : The politics of heritage in Africa : economies, histories, and infrastructures / edited by Derek Peterson (University of Michigan), Kodzo Gavua (University of Ghana), Ciraj Rassool (University of the Western Cape (South Africa))
Heritage tourism -- South Asia. : Promotion of Buddhist tourism circuits in selected Asian countries / Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Heritage tourism -- Southwest, New. : The culture of tourism, the tourism of culture : selling the past to the present in the American southwest / edited by Hal K. Rothman
Heritage tourism -- Spain -- Congresses : Turismo cultural y gestión de museos / Javier de Esteban Curiel, director ; Victoria Eugenia Sánchez García, Arta Antonovica, coordinadoras ; autores, Arta Antonovia (and 22 others)