Commonly known as parasitic worms, this group includes the ACANTHOCEPHALA; NEMATODA; and PLATYHELMINTHS. Some authors consider certain species of LEECHES that can become temporarily parasitic as helminths
Helminths -- drug effects : Neuropeptide systems as targets for parasite and pest control / edited by Timothy G. Geary, Aaron G. Maule
Helminths -- Health aspects. : Detection methods for algae, protozoa, and helminths in fresh and drinking water / edited by Franca Palumbo, Giuliano Ziglio, André van der Beken
Helminths -- Juvenile literature : Immunity to Helminths and novel therapeutic approaches. Volume 2. / edited by Emilio Jirillo, Thea Magrone & Giuseppe Miragliotta
Helmintiasi. : Helminth infections and their impact on global public health / Fabrizio Bruschi, editor
Helmling, Wolfgang. : Communication, culture, and human rights in Africa / edited by Bala A. Musa and Jerry Komia Domatob ; foreword by Cees J. Hamelink
Helmold, approximately 1120-approximately 1177. : The Slavic religion in the light of 11th- and 12th-century German chronicles (Thietmar of Merseburg, Adam of Bremen, Helmold of Bosau) : studies on the Christian Interpretation of Pre-Christian cults and beliefs in the Middle Ages / by Stanisław Rosik ; translated by Anna Tyszkiewicz