Hellenic languages. : Digital classics outside the echo-chamber : teaching, knowledge exchange and public engagement / edited by Gabriel Bodard and Matteo Romanello
Hellenism -- History -- 19th century : Graecomania : der europäische Philhellenismus / herausgegeben von Gilbert Hess, Elena Agazzi und Elisabeth Décultot
Hellenism -- History -- To 1500 : The Byzantine Hellene : the life of Emperor Theodore Laskaris and Byzantium in the thirteenth century / Dimiter Angelov
Hellenism Judaism Relations : Judaism and Hellenism : studies in their encounter in Palestine during the early Hellenistic period / Martin Hengel ; [translated by John Bowden from the German]
Hellenism -- Research -- Australia -- Congresses. : Greek research in Australia : proceedings of the annual Conference of Greek Studies, Flinders University June 2000 / editors, Elizabeth Close, Michael Tsianikas, George Frazis
Hellénisme -- Historiographie -- Dix-huitième siècle. : Historiographie de l'antiquité et transferts culturels : les histoires anciennes dans l'Europe des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles / édité par Chryssanthi Avlami, Jaime Alvar et Mirella Romero Recio
Hellenistic philosophy : Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? : kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven / herausgegeben von Gernot Michael Müller und Fosca Mariani Zini