Heat exchangers -- Vibration. : Vibration and heat transfer of elastic tube bundles in heat exchangers : a numerical study / Jiadong Ji, Baojun Shi, Haishun Deng
Heat exhaustion -- Prevention : Heat or hydration : science and practical application of heat illness prevention / presented by Brendon P. McDermott, Michael D. Ryan, Rebecca Lopez, and Scott Trulock
Heat exhaustion -- Treatment : Preventing environmental heat illnesses / written and presented by Rod Walters ; produced by Healthy Learning
Heat flux transducers -- Congresses. : Building applications of heat flux transducers : a symposium / sponsored by ASTM Committee C-16 on Thermal Insulation, Philadelphia, PA, 22-23 Sept. 1983 ; Erv Bales, Mark Bomberg, and George E. Courville, editors
Heat -- Health aspects : Killer heat in the United States : climate choices and the future of dangerously hot days / Kristina Dahl, Erika Spanger-Siegfried. Rachel Licker, Astrid Caldas, John Abatzoglou, Nicholas Mailloux, Rachel Cleetus, Shana Udvardy, Juan Decelet-Barreto
Heat -- History -- 18th century : Speculative truth : Henry Cavendish, natural philosophy, and the rise of modern theoretical science / Russell McCormmach
Heat -- Physiological aspects. : Effects of prehydration with selected liquids upon exercise in a hot and humid environment / by William Irvin Dickens II
Heat -- Physiological effect -- Congresses. : Environmental physiology : aging, heat, and altitude : proceedings of Life, Heat, and Altitude Conference held on May 15-17, 1979 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. / editors, Steven M. Horvath and Mohamed K. Yousef
Heat -- Physiological effect -- Measurement. : The evaluation of heat stress indices using physiological comparisons in an alumina refinery in a sub-tropical climate / by Ross Di Corleto
Heat pipes -- Congresses. : Advances in heat pipe technology : proceedings of the IVth International Heat Pipe Conference, 7-10 September 1981, London, UK / edited by D.A. Reay
Heat pipes -- Experiments : The evaporation mechanism in the wick of copper heat pipes / Shwin-Chung Wong
Here are entered works on a condition caused by excessive water loss through sweating, characterized by symptoms such as clammy skin, rapid weak pulse, and low to normal blood pressure. Works on a condition caused by failure of the body's temperature control system, characterized by symptoms such as hot and dry skin, rapid strong pulse, high blood pressure and extremely high body temperature are entered under Heat stroke