Introduction: OMG, I Have ADHD? -- 1: You and Your ADHD -- 2: Self Care -- 3: Managing Your ADHD -- 4: ADHD at Home -- 5: ADHD at School -- 6: ADHD and Friends -- 7: Medication -- 8: Your Choices: Choose Wisely
Get the real inside scoop on thriving as a teen with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Drawing on her own experiences living with the disorder, college student Grace Friedman--along with pediatric neurologist Sarah Cheyette--offers valuable tips and tricks to help teens face the unique challenges of ADHD. Readers will learn powerful cognitive behavioral strategies for coping with overwhelm, staying organized, tackling assignments and preparing for exams, dealing with emotions, communicating effectively with peers and adults, and maintaining strong friendships
Online resource; title from digital title page (viewed on February 07, 2020)