Hartmann (Firm) / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n2001129754 : Hartmann Southern Africa : keeping healthcare moving forward / Chris van der Hoven, Stephanie Townsend
Hartmann, Heinz, 1894-1970. : Psychoanalysis : a general psychology : essays in honor of Heinz Hartmann / edited by Rudolph M. Loewenstein ...[and others] ; Editorial Board: K. R. Eissler ...[and others]
Hartmann, Karl Amadeus, 1905-1963. : Karl Amadeus Hartmann : (1905-1963) / written & directed by Klaus Voswinckel ; a Klaus Voswinckel Production for Bayerischer Rundfunk, Monarda Arts
Hartmann, Polly -- Diaries : Ebenezer Mission Station, 1863-1873 : the diary of missionaries Adolf and Polly Hartmann / edited by Felicity Jensz
Hartmann, Sadakichi, 1867-1944. : The valiant knights of Daguerre : selected critical essays on photography and profiles of photographic pioneers / by Sadakichi Hartmann ; edited by Harry W. Lawton and George Knox, with the collaboration of Wistaria Hartmann Linton ; foreword by Thomas F. Barrow ; bibliography compiled by Michael Elderman
Hartmann, Suzanne Elki Yoko : The nail that sticks out : reflections on the postwar Japanese Canadian community / Suzanne Elki Yoko Hartmann
Hartmann, Thom, 1951- : Cracking the code : how to win hearts, change minds, and restore America's original vision / by Thom Hartmann