Here are entered works on deliberate acts of self-harm in which there is no intent to die. Works on attempted suicide are entered under Suicidal behavior
Harm reduction -- Congresses : Harm reduction : a new direction for drug policies and programs / edited by Patricia G. Erickson, Diane M. Riley, Yuet W. Cheung, and Patrick A. O'Hare
Harm reduction -- Government policy : Assessing the harms of crime : a new framework for criminal policy / Victoria A. Greenfield and Letizia Paoli
Harm reduction -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : Orientation on harm reduction : three-hour training course. Participant manual / World Health Organization, Western Pacific Region ; [developed and written by Sarah Larney and Kate Dolan ; edited by Manuela Moeller]
Harmand, François-Jules, 1845-1921. : Laos and the hilltribes of Indochina : journeys to the Boloven Plateau, from Bassac to Hué through Laos, and to the origins of Thai / F.J. Harmand ; translation and introduction by Walter E.J. Tips
Harmand, Franȯis-Jules, 1845-1921 : Laos and the hilltribes of Indochina : journeys to the Boloven Plateau, from Bassac to Hué through Laos, and to the origins of Thai / F.J. Harmand ; translation and introduction by Walter E.J. Tips
Here are entered works on invasive, generally nonindigenous plants that are undesirable, troublesome, and difficult to control or eradicate and on plants that have been legally designated as injurious to public health, agriculture, recreation, wildlife, or property
Harmon, Daniel E. : Something about the author. Volume 157 : facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people / Maikue Vang, project editor