Thomas Hardy's works. Wessex novels -- See Wessex novels
Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928. Tragedy : Four studies : Swinburne's Mary Stuart trilogy, The poetry of Thomas Hardy, The spirit of the Elizabethan Age, Tragedy / by Archibald Strong ; edited with a memoir by R.C. Bald
Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928. Walk : Poetry for students. Volume 55 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Kristin B. Mallegg, project editor ; foreword by David J. Kelly
Hardy, Thomas -- Criticism and interpretation : Hardy : the tragic novels : 'The return of the native', 'The Mayor of Casterbridge', 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles', 'Jude the obscure' : a casebook / edited by R.P. Draper
Hardy, Thomas darwinisme : Darwin's plots : evolutionary narrative in Darwin, George Eliot and nineteenth-century fiction / Gillian Beer
A burrowing plant-eating mammal with hind limbs that are longer than its fore limbs. It belongs to the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, and in contrast to hares, possesses 22 instead of 24 pairs of chromosomes
Hare, David, 1917-1992. : Three American sculptors : Ferber, Hare, Lassaw / by E.C. Goossen, R. Goldwater, I. Sandler
Hare, Francis, 1671-1740. : De sacra poesi Hebraeorum : praelectiones academicae Oxonii habitae / a Roberto Lowth. Metricae Harianae brevis confutatio, et oratio Crewiana. Cum notis et epimetris / Joannis Davidis Michaelis ; suis animadversionibus adjectis edidit Ern. Frid. Car. Rosenmuller. Insunt Car. Frid. Richteri de aetate libri Jobi defienda. Atque Christ. Weisii de metro Hariano commentationes
Hare, Joseph Thompson, 1780-1818 -- Trials, litigation, etc : Trials of the mail robbers, Hare, Alexander and Hare : with the testimony, the proceedings of the court, and the arguments of counsel at length : William Wirt, Esq., attorney general of the United States, Elias Glenn, Esq., district attorney, Thomas Kell and Reverdy Johnson, Esqs., for the prosecution, General Winder, David Hoffman, Charles Mitchell and Ebenezer L. Finley, Esqs., for the prisoners / reported by Edward J. Coale ; to which is added, the trial and proceedings before the Circuit Court of the United States, in Philadelphia, in the case of William Wood, an accessary before the fact, reported for the Franklin Gazette, by Richard Bache, Esq