Griffith Region (N.S.W.) -- Pictorial works : Early Griffith & district : a pictorial history / compiled by Wendy Polkinghorne ; with the valued assistance of Beth Davidge ... [and others]
Griffith University. Queensland Conservatorium / : Northern lyrebird : the contribution to Queensland's music by its conservatorium 1957-2007 / Peter Roennfeldt
Griffiths, Albert, 1871-1927 : The Australian heroes : a rousing roll call of 47 of Australia's greatest heroes and heroines / Geoffrey Dutton
Griffiths, Alec, 1900-1995. : Until a dead horse kicks you : the story of an ordinary hero Alec Griffiths, 1900 - 1995 / Robert Crack
Griffiths, Andy, 1961- : Something about the author. Volume 152 : facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people / Susan Strickland, project editor
Griffiths, Daniel. : Implications of a critical discussion in educational administration theory : the Griffiths/Greenfield debate examined from a philosophy of science perspective / by Ellen Herda
Griffiths, William. : Female earnings and divorce rates : some Australian evidence / by Bruce Phillips & William Griffiths
Griffiths, William, 1833-1865 : The Glenorchy murders : a full account of the capture, trial and execution of William Griffiths for the murder of George and Sarah Johnson, at Glenorchy, in the colony of Tasmania, on 12th September, 1865 : with a biography of the prisoner, &c., &c