Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Illustrations; Acknowledgments; Author's Note; Introduction: Affect and Emotions in Disaster Reconstruction; 1. Powerful Feelings: Emotions and Governmentality in Disaster Research; 2. Hallarse: Defining Recovery in Affective Terms; 3. Feelings of Inequity: Gender and the Postcolonial Modernity of Disaster Reconstruction; 4. The Marero: Terror and Disgust in the Aftermath of Mitch; 5. Ecologies of Affect and Affective Regimes: The Neoliberal Reconstruction of New Orleans
6. How to Care? The Contested Affects of Disaster Recovery in the Lower Ninth Ward7. Criollos, Creoles, and the Mobile Taquerias: Latinophobia in Post- Katrina New Orleans; 8. To Love a Small Town: The Political Ecology of Affect in the Middle Mississippi; 9. Rebuilding It Better: The Ethical Challenges of Disaster Recovery; 10. The Anthropology of Affect and Disasters: From Critique to Practice; References; Index