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Book Cover
Author Isaacs, Andrew, author

Title Net Zero climate commitments : realistic goal or branding exercise? / Andrew Isaacs, Natàlia Costa I. Coromina
Published London : The Berkeley-Haas Case Series. University of California, Berkeley. Haas School of Business, 2023


Description 1 online resource
Series SAGE business cases
SAGE business cases
Summary In 2022, companies of all sizes and across multiple industries started to create and publicly announce Net Zero climate commitments. At the time, there was no generally accepted definition of "Net Zero" and instead, each company defined what metrics were included in tracking their commitment. Further, there was no globally recognized third-party accountability mechanism that would assure that these promises were being fulfilled; leaving companies to report their own progress without outside, independent verification. As a result, many questions around the validity of these claims and their true impact on climate change were left unanswered. For example: How serious and achievable were these Net Zero claims? Behind these claims, how much effort was focused on customer appeal versus a core business strategy? How realistic were these claims and was there a plan by the company to back them up? With so many claims, how do stakeholders distinguish the true Net Zero commitments from those that are simply making the claim for the sake of the company brand?
Notes Description based on XML content
Subject Green marketing -- Case studies
Strategic planning -- Case studies
Form Electronic book
Author Coromina, Natàlia Costa I., author
ISBN 9781071932001