Greek language -- Compound words : Ancient Greek Verb-Initial Compounds : Their Diachronic Development Within the Greek Compound System / Olga Tribulato
Greek language -- Consonants : The reflexes of syllabic liquids in ancient Greek : linguistic prehistory of the Greek dialects and Homeric Kunstsprache / by Lucien van Beek
Greek language -- Data processing : The Greek language in the digital age / Maria Gavrilidou [and others] ; Georg Rehm, Hans Uszkoreit, editors
Greek language -- Dialectology : The Aeolic Dialects of Ancient Greek : A Study in Historical Dialectology and Linguistic Classification Matthew Scarborough
Greek language -- Dictionaries -- Latin -- Early works to 1800 : Lexicon græco-latinvm novvum : in qvo ex primitivorvm & simplicivm fontibus derivata atque composita ordine non minus naturali, quàm alphabetico, breviter & dilucidè deducuntur / Joannis Scapvlæ, operâ & studio
Greek language -- Epithets : EPITHETIC PHRASES FOR THE HOMERIC GODS : a repertory of the descriptive expressions of the divinities of the iliad and the odyssey;a
Greek language -- Grammar -- Congresses : Pragmatic approaches to Latin and Ancient Greek / [edited by] Camille Denizot, University of Paris West Nanterre La Défense ; Olga Spevak, University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès