Greece Drug abuse : Pharmakon : Plato, drug culture, and identity in ancient Athens / Michael A. Rinella
Greece Drug development History To 1500 : Hippocratic recipes : oral and written transmission of pharmacological knowledge in fifth- and fourth-century Greece / by Laurence M.V. Totelin
Greece Durrell, Gerald, 1925-1995 Homes and haunts Corfu Island Drama : My family and other animals / written by Gerald Durrell ; directed by Sheree Folkson ; performed by Eugene Simon, Imelda Staunton, Chris Langham, Omid Djalili, Matthew Goode, Russell Tovey ; produced by Simon Lewis, British Broadcasting Corporation, WGBH Boston
Greece Dwellings Social aspects History : Houses of ill repute : the archaeology of brothels, houses, and taverns in the Greek world / edited by Allison Glazebrook and Barbara Tsakirgis
Greece Earthquakes Crete History : Minoan earthquakes : breaking the myth through interdisciplinarity / edited by Simon Jusseret and Manuel Sintubin
Greece Eastern churches : Orthodox Christianity in 21st century Greece : the role of religion in culture, ethnicity, and politics / edited by Victor Roudometof and Vasilios N. Makrides
Greece Ecology History : Human landscapes in classical antiquity : environment and culture / edited by Graham Shipley and John Salmon
Greece Economic and Monetary Union : Greece's economic performance and prospects / Ralph C. Bryant, Nicholas C. Garganas, George S. Tavlas, editors
Greece Economic assistance : Greece : staff report on request for stand-by-arrangement / prepared by the European Dept., in consultation with other departments