Here are entered works on funerary monuments and gravestones. Works on tombs and mausoleums, mainly from the archaeological standpoint, are entered under Tombs. General works on cemeteries and burying-grounds are entered under Cemeteries --subdivision Tomb under names of individual persons; and subdivision Tombs under classes of persons, names of individual families, royal houses, dynasties, etc
Gravetat quàntica. : Loop quantum gravity for the bewildered : the self-dual approach revisited / Sundance Bilson-Thompson
Gravettian culture -- Portugal -- Lapedo Valley. : Portrait of the artist as a child : the Gravettian human skeleton from the Abrigo do Lagar Velho and its archeological context / João Zilhão, Erik Trinkhaus, eds
Here are entered general works on cemeteries and burying-grounds. Works on tombs and mausoleums, mainly from the archaeological standpoint, are entered under Tombs. Works on funerary monuments and gravestones are entered under Sepulchral monuments
Gravgåvor. : Hoards, grave goods, jewellery : objects in hoards and in burial contexts during the Mongol invasion of Central-Eastern Europe / Mária Vargha
Gravidade. : Gravity from the ground up / Bernard Schutz
Gravidez. : The effect of exposure to the atomic bombs on pregnancy termination in Hiroshima and Nagasaki / by J.V. Neel and W.J. Schull in collaboration with R.C. Anderson [and others]
Graviditet. : Health promotion in midwifery : principles and practice
Acceleration produced by the mutual attraction of two masses, and of magnitude inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two centers of mass. It is also the force imparted by the earth, moon, or a planet to an object near its surface. (From NASA Thesaurus, 1988)
Gravitació. : Analysis of the gravity field : direct and inverse problems / Fernando Sansò, Daniele Sampietro