Graffiti artists -- Drama : Samo, a tribute to Basquiat / une coproduction, Axe Sud, Compagnie 0,10 ; production, Marie-Pierre Bousquet ; de Koffi Kwahulé ; mise en scène, Laëtitia Guédon
Graffiti artists -- Hawaii : Mele murals / a film by Tadashi Nakamura ; directed and edited by Tadashi Nakamura ; a co-production of ʻŌiwi Television, Pacific Islanders in Communications, Downtown Community Media Center ; in association with Center for Asian American Media ; producers, Tadashi Nakamura, Keoni Lee
Graffiti artists -- United States -- Biography : Getting up : the Tempt One story / TEG presents in association with Not Impossible Foundation ; produced by Jon Barlow ; directed by Caskey
Graffiti -- Asia : Bomb it 2 / produced and directed by Jon Reiss
Graffiti -- Atlases : The world atlas of street art and graffiti / Rafael Schacter ; foreword by John Fekner
Graffiti -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Sydney : Eternity / written and directed by Lawrence Johnston ; produced by Susan MacKinnon ; produced in association with the Australian Film Commission and the New South Wales Film and Television Office
Graffiti -- Berlin : The Berlin wall book / photographs and introduction Hermann Waldenburg
Graffiti -- Berlin -- Pictorial works : Die Mauer : Monument des Jahrhunderts / Wolfgang Georg Fischer, Fritz von der Schulenburg ; mit einer Chronologie von Hans-Jürgen Dyck ; [Übersetzungen, Martin Crellin ... and others] = Die Mauer : monument of the century / Wolfgang Georg Fischer, Fritz von der Schulenburg ; with a chronology by Hans-Jürgen Dyck ; [translations, Martin Crellin ... and others]
Graffiti -- France -- Pictorial works : The walls have the floor : mural journal, May '68 / edited by Julien Besançon ; foreword by Tom McDonough ; afterword by Whitney Phillips ; translated by Henry Vale