Girls' Public Day School Trust : The Human Problem in Schools (1938) : a Psychological Study Carried out on Behalf of the Girls' Public Day School Trust
Girls -- Research : Girlhood and the politics of place / edited by Claudia Mitchell and Carrie Rentschler
Girls -- Research -- United States -- Case studies. : Assessing the impact of a community program for young girls : literature review, questionnaire survey methods, and survey data analysis / Rachael Jurek & Kirsten Isgro
Girls -- Richmond (Va.) : White girl : a story of school desegregation / by Clara Silverstein
Girls -- Samoa. : Coming of age in Samoa : a psychological study of primitive youth for western civilisation / by Margaret Mead ; foreword by Franz Boas
Girls' schools -- Afghanistan. : Three cups of tea : one man's mission to fight terrorism and build nations- one school at a time / Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin