Gewaltverbot : The law against war : the prohibition on the use of force in contemporary international law / Olivier Corten ; with a foreword by Bruno Simma ; translation by Christopher Sutcliffe
Gewebebank : The stored tissue issue : biomedical research, ethics, and law in the era of genomic medicine / Robert F. Weir, Robert S. Olick with Jeffrey C. Murray
Gewerbeabfall : Integrated pollution control : change and continuity in the UK industrial pollution policy network / Adrian Smith
Gewerblich-technischer Beruf : Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit gestalten lernen Beiträge der BAG-Tagung "All Days For Future - Energievielfalt in der gewerblich-technische Berufsbildung“
GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project. / : GCIP, global energy and water cycle experiment (GEWEX), continental-scale international project : a review of progress and opportunities / Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Panel, Climate Research Committee, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources, National Research Council