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Gescheiden vrouwen. : For richer, for poorer : mothers confront divorce / Demie Kurz  1995 1
Geschenk   14
Geschenk Motiv   4
Geschenk -- Soziologie. : The world of the gift / Jacques T. Godbout ; in collaboration with Alain Caillé ; translated from the French by Donald Winkler  1998 1
Geschichte.   1195
Geschichte 1-200. : Melancholy, love, and time : boundaries of the self in ancient literature / Peter Toohey  2004 1
Geschichte 1 Jh v Chr Römer Politik : Ceremony and power : performing politics in Rome between Republic and Empire / Geoffrey S. Sumi  2005 1
Geschichte 2 Jh Kirche Römer : Hadrian and the Christians / edited by Marco Rizzi  2010 1
Geschichte 4 Jh Römer Kongressbericht : Ammianus after Julian : the reign of Valentinian and Valens in Books 26-31 of the Res Gestae / edited by J. den Boeft, J.W. Drijvers, D. den Hengst and H.C. Teitler  2007 1
Geschichte 4 Jh v Chr Judäa Kongressbericht : Judah and the Judeans in the fourth century B.C.E / edited by Oded Lipschits, Gary N. Knoppers, and Rainer Albertz  2007 1
Geschichte 5 Jh Christentum Alexandria : Riot in Alexandria : tradition and group dynamics in late antique pagan and Christian communities / Edward J. Watts  2010 1
Geschichte 11 Jh Buchmalerei Cluny : The Parma Ildefonsus : a Romanesque illuminated manuscript from Cluny, and related works / by Meyer Schapiro  1964 1
Geschichte 12 Jh Altnordische Literatur   2
Geschichte 12 Jh Aragonien : Crusade, heresy, and inquisition in the lands of the Crown of Aragon (c. 1167-1276) / by Damian J. Smith  2010 1
Geschichte 12 Jh Grossbritannien Politik Kongressbericht : Henry II : new interpretations / edited by Christopher Harper-Bill and Nicholas Vincent  2007 1
Geschichte 12 Jh Hof (Hofleben) Grossbritannien Kongressbericht : Henry II : new interpretations / edited by Christopher Harper-Bill and Nicholas Vincent  2007 1
Geschichte 13 Jh Altnordische Literatur   2
Geschichte 13 Jh Aragonien : Crusade, heresy, and inquisition in the lands of the Crown of Aragon (c. 1167-1276) / by Damian J. Smith  2010 1
Geschichte 13 Jh Leiden Theologie : Pain and suffering in medieval theology : academic debates at the University of Paris in the thirteenth century / Donald Mowbray  2009 1
Geschichte 13 Jh Theologie Leiden : Pain and suffering in medieval theology : academic debates at the University of Paris in the thirteenth century / Donald Mowbray  2009 1
Geschichte 13 Jh Theologie Paris : Pain and suffering in medieval theology : academic debates at the University of Paris in the thirteenth century / Donald Mowbray  2009 1
Geschichte 14 Jh Buchmalerei Italien : Five illuminated manuscripts of Giangaleazzo Visconti / Edith W. Kirsch  1991 1
Geschichte 15 Jh Bibliothek England : Memory's library : medieval books in early modern England / Jennifer Summit  2008 1
Geschichte 15 Jh Bilderstreit Grossbritannien : Image, text, and religious reform in fifteenth-century England / Shannon Gayk  2010 1
Geschichte 15 Jh Geistesgeschichte Grossbritannien : Memory's library : medieval books in early modern England / Jennifer Summit  2008 1
Geschichte 15 Jh Humanistische Bildung Deutschland : Humanismus und Universitätsbesuch : die Wirkung italienischer Universitäten auf die studia humanitatis nördlich der Alpen = Renaissance humanism and university studies : Italian universities and their influence on the studia humanitatis in Northern Europe / by Agostino Sottili  2006 1
Geschichte 15 Jh Literatur Musik Frankreich : Sounding objects : musical instruments, poetry, and art in Renaissance France / Carla Zecher  2007 1
Geschichte 15 Jh Musik Literatur Frankreich : Sounding objects : musical instruments, poetry, and art in Renaissance France / Carla Zecher  2007 1
Geschichte 15 Jh Musikinstrument Frankreich : Sounding objects : musical instruments, poetry, and art in Renaissance France / Carla Zecher  2007 1
Geschichte 15 Jh Politik Religion Iran : Power, politics and religion in Timurid Iran / Beatrice Forbes Manz  2007 1
Geschichte 15 Jh Religion Politik Iran : Power, politics and religion in Timurid Iran / Beatrice Forbes Manz  2007 1
Geschichte 15 Jh Timuriden Gesellschaft : Power, politics and religion in Timurid Iran / Beatrice Forbes Manz  2007 1
Geschichte 15 Jh Universität Italien : Humanismus und Universitätsbesuch : die Wirkung italienischer Universitäten auf die studia humanitatis nördlich der Alpen = Renaissance humanism and university studies : Italian universities and their influence on the studia humanitatis in Northern Europe / by Agostino Sottili  2006 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Adel Grossbritannien : The crisis of the aristocracy, 1558-1641 / by Lawrence Stone  1965 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Azteken Europäer Kongressbericht : Invasion and transformation : interdisciplinary perspectives on the conquest of Mexico / edited by Rebecca P. Brienen and Margaret A. Jackson  2008 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Bibliothek England : Memory's library : medieval books in early modern England / Jennifer Summit  2008 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Brasilien Reisen und Expeditionen Text : Hans Staden's true history : an account of cannibal captivity in Brazil / Hans Staden ; edited and with an introduction by Neil L. Whitehead ; newly translated by Michael Harbsmeier  2008 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Cambridge Universität : Reformation and religious identity in Cambridge, 1590-1644 / David Hoyle  2007 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Christen Muslim : Martin Luther and Islam : a study in sixteenth-century polemics and apologetics / by Adam S. Francisco  2007 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Christliche Lyrik englische : The poetics of conversion in early modern English literature : verse and change from Donne to Dryden / Molly Murray, Columbia University  2009 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Englische Literatur Politik : The culture of piracy, 1580-1630 : English literature and seaborne crime / Claire Jowitt  2010 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Englische Literatur Quellen und Vorbilder : Homoerotic space : the poetics of loss in Renaissance literature / Stephen Guy-Bray  2002 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Englische Literatur Textilien : Pens and needles : women's textualities in early modern England / Susan Frye  2010 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Epos englisches : Architectonics of imitation in Spenser, Daniel, and Drayton / David Galbraith  2000 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Eroberung Mexiko Kongressbericht : Invasion and transformation : interdisciplinary perspectives on the conquest of Mexico / edited by Rebecca P. Brienen and Margaret A. Jackson  2008 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Europäer Azteken Kongressbericht : Invasion and transformation : interdisciplinary perspectives on the conquest of Mexico / edited by Rebecca P. Brienen and Margaret A. Jackson  2008 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Französische Literatur : Distant voices still heard : contemporary readings of French Renaissance literature / edited by John O'Brien and Malcolm Quainton  2000 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Frau Literatur : Early Modern Women and Transnational Communities of Letters  2009 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Frau Sachkultur Grossbritannien : Pens and needles : women's textualities in early modern England / Susan Frye  2010 1
Geschichte 16 Jh Frauenbrief : Early Modern Women and Transnational Communities of Letters  2009 1
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