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Geschichte 1754-1838. : God Almighty, make me free : Christianity in preemancipation Jamaica / Shirley C. Gordon  1996 1
Geschichte 1756-1895. : Anglo-European science and the rhetoric of empire : malaria, opium, and British rule in India, 1756-1895 / Paul C. Winther  2003 1
Geschichte 1760. : Intimate frontiers : sex, gender, and culture in old California / Albert L. Hurtado  1999 1
Geschichte 1760-1850. : Intimate frontiers : sex, gender, and culture in old California / Albert L. Hurtado  1999 1
Geschichte 1763-1803. : Changing tides : twilight and dawn in the Spanish Sea, 1763-1803 / Robert S. Weddle  1995 1
Geschichte (1765-1836) : Household economy and urban development : São Paulo, 1765 to 1836 / Elizabeth Anne Kuznesof  1986 1
Geschichte 1765-1947.   2
Geschichte 1766-1768. : The discovery of Tahiti : a journal of the second voyage of H.M.S. Dolphin round the world, under the command of Captain Wallis, R.N., in the years 1766, 1767 and 1768 / written by her master ; edited by Hugh Carrington  1948 1
Geschichte (1766-1775) : The making of a strike : Mexican silver workers' struggles in Real del Monte, 1766-1775 / Doris M. Ladd  1988 1
Geschichte (1767-1886) : From outpost to outport : a structural analysis of the Jersey-Gaspé cod fishery, 1767-1886 / Rosemary E. Ommer  1991 1
Geschichte 1768-1773. : The Rockingham connection and the second founding of the Whig party, 1768-1773 / W.M. Elofson  1996 1
Geschichte (1770-1806) : Charles James Fox / L.G. Mitchell  1992 1
Geschichte (1770-1810) : Somewhat more independent : the end of slavery in New York City, 1770-1810 / Shane White  1991 1
Geschichte (1770-1815) : The people's Clearance : Highland emigration to British North America, 1770-1815 / J.M. Bumsted  1982 1
Geschichte 1775-1830. : Inventing a nation : Washington, Adams, Jefferson / Gore Vidal  2003 1
Geschichte (1776-1850) : The politics of size : representation in the United States, 1776-1850 / Rosemarie Zagarri  1987 1
Geschichte 1776-1860.   2
Geschichte (1776-1980) : México frente a Estados Unidos : un ensayo histórico, 1776-1980 / Josefina Z. Vázquez y Lorenzo Meyer  1982 1
Geschichte 1778-1813. : The pen and ink sailor : Charles Middleton and the King's Navy, 1778-1813 / John E. Talbott  1998 1
Geschichte 1779-1846. : The waning of 'Old Corruption' : the politics of economical reform in Britain, 1779-1846 / Philip Harling  1996 1
Geschichte 1780-1838. : John Scott, Lord Eldon, 1751-1838 : the duty of loyalty / R.A. Melikan  1999 1
Geschichte (1780-1850) : Radicalism and reform in Britain, 1780-1850 / J.R. Dinwiddy  1992 1
Geschichte 1780-1860. : Disowning slavery : gradual emancipation and "race" in New England, 1780-1860 / Joanne Pope Melish  1998 1
Geschichte 1780-1863 Blake, William Rezeption Quelle : William Blake : the critical heritage / edited by G. E. Bentley, Jr  1975 1
Geschichte 1780-1890. : Hawaii's Russian adventure : a new look at old history / Peter R. Mills  2002 1
Geschichte 1780-1999. : Out of place : Englishness, empire, and the locations of identity / Ian Baucom  1999 1
Geschichte 1782-1865. : Rearing wolves to our own destruction : slavery in Richmond, Virginia, 1782-1865 / Midori Takagi  1999 1
Geschichte (1783-1861) : The Union as it is : constitutional unionism and sectional compromise, 1787-1861 / Peter B. Knupfer  1991 1
Geschichte 1784-1789. : The Paris years of Thomas Jefferson / William Howard Adams ; original photography by Adelaide De Menil  1997 1
Geschichte 1788-1993. : Australian race relations, 1788-1993 / Andrew Markus  1994 1
Geschichte 1789-1794.   2
Geschichte 1789-1802 Turner, J M W (Joseph Mallord William), 1775-1851 Skizzenbuch : Turner's early sketchbooks : drawings in England, Wales and Scotland from 1789 to 1802 / selected, with notes, by Gerald Wilkinson  1972 1
Geschichte (1789-1803) : Towards a romantic conception of nature : Coleridge's poetry up to 1803 : a study in the history of ideas / H.R. Rookmaaker, Jr  1984 1
Geschichte 1789-1815. : Rebellious hearts : British women writers and the French Revolution / edited by Adriana Craciun and Kari E. Lokke  2001 1
Geschichte 1789-1832. : British satire and the politics of style, 1789-1832 / Gary Dyer  1997 1
Geschichte 1789-1995. : Biographical dictionary of the United States secretaries of the Treasury, 1789-1995 / edited by Bernard S. Katz and C. Daniel Vencill  1996 1
Geschichte 1789-2003. : French women in politics : writing power, paternal legitimization, and maternal legacies / by Raylene L. Ramsay  2003 1
Geschichte 1790-1830.   2
Geschichte 1790-1840. : Closet stages : Joanna Baillie and the theater theory of British romantic women writers / Catherine B. Burroughs  1997 1
Geschichte 1790-1850.   4
Geschichte (1790-1857) : The women of Mexico City, 1790-1857 / Silvia Marina Arrom  1985 1
Geschichte (1790-1860) : John Jacob Astor : business and finance in the early republic / John Denis Haeger  1991 1
Geschichte 1790-1890. : The southern judicial tradition : state judges and sectional distinctiveness, 1790-1890 / Timothy S. Huebner  1999 1
Geschichte 1790-1967. : The Jews of Europe in the modern era : a socio-historical outline / by Victor Karady ; [translated by Tim Wilkinson]  2004 1
Geschichte 1790-1995. : Strange country : modernity and nationhood in Irish writing since 1790 / Seamus Deane  1997 1
Geschichte 1792-1852. : Borderland religion : the emergence of an English-Canadian identity, 1792-1852 / J.I. Little  2004 1
Geschichte 1793-1825.   2
Geschichte 1793-1873. : The allotment movement in England, 1793-1873 / Jeremy Burchardt  2002 1
Geschichte 1794-1822. : Fatal autonomy : Romantic drama and the rhetoric of agency / William Jewett  1997 1
Geschichte 1794-1834. : The statesman's science : history, nature, and law in the political thought of Samuel Taylor Coleridge / Pamela Edwards  2004 1
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